Pitching Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies) – Armessa Movie News


Pitching defines a game of baseball in MLB The Show 23, as players use different tricks and strategies to strike out batters from the other team and prevent them from scoring runs. Arguably the most important athletes on the field are pitchers, whose different styles can trick people up to bat with lighting-fast strikes or unusual changeups. Players looking to make the most out of their starting and closing pitchers need to learn the best techniques to guarantee multiple outs in a row.


A couple of basic tips to consider when players start learning how to pitch are to consider the types of pitch available and the best location for every type. When pitching, a small box always shows above home plate, showing places the players can aim their pitch. The best hitters in MLB The Show 23 will be able to predict a pitcher that throws too consistently, so using different pitch types and throwing to multiple spots can be the key to success.

How To Pick The Best Pitchers

Every athlete in the game has an overall Rating that divides into score categories, marking the strengths and weaknesses of rosters in MLB The Show. For players trying to pick a good pitcher, the Control, Stamina, and Velocity stats are the most important scores to pay attention to. Control remains perhaps the top priority for even starting pitchers, as this stat relates to consistency rather than raw power through a high Velocity.

Related: The Best Starting Pitchers In MLB The Show 23

A good rule of thumb surrounding pitchers is to switch between athletes often during a game. While a high Stamina stat might mean that an athlete can last more innings than most without making mistakes, keeping pitchers fresh is better than letting them deteriorate over a long period. Not only does switching a pitcher refresh an athlete before giving up a big hit, but doing this also prevents enemy players from getting used to one pitcher’s style and trying to exploit it.

How To Learn Every Type of Pitch

New York Mets player Tylor Megill in MLB The Show 23

There are three major pitch types with several examples that are favored differently by various pitchers in the game. For instance, one pitcher may favor a Fastball over a Breaking Ball pitch style, having a significant Velocity stat to match their preference. However, players looking to strike out as many batters as possible should have a pitcher capable of more than one pitch type. Knowing when to throw certain pitches and where to aim separate pitch types can lead players to a dominating performance.

Pitch Type


When to Throw

Pitch Location


  • Four Seam
  • Two Seam
  • Cutter
  • Splitter

The most accurate type of pitch, Fastballs, are typically used to clutch out a final strike needed to secure an out. Pitchers using this pitch type use high Velocity to fire a throw as fast as possible into the strike zone before a hitter can react.

Due to their accuracy, Fastballs may be aimed anywhere except in the middle of the strike zone. Hits against a Fastball there could easily lead to a home run. Instead, pitchers should try to put their Fastballs in the higher section of the strike zone, as it’s hard for hitters to reach up and hit an extremely fast pitch.

Breaking Ball

  • Curveball
  • Screwball
  • Slider
  • Slurve

Breaking Balls are fast pitches with slight movement meant to throw off swings. This pitch type is used best in conjunction with Fastballs, throwing off a hitter’s timing by tempting them to hit what they think will become an accurate strike.

These pitches are hard to aim due to their unorthodox curves and dips when pitched. Players are recommended to aim close to the center of the strike zone, to try and counter the natural lack of precision these throws can be.


  • Changeup
  • Circle Changeup
  • Forkball
  • Knuckleball

Almost identical to Fastballs, Off-Speed or Changeup pitches are designed to look the same as a high-speed pitch but slower. Used directly after a Fastball most of the time, these pitches are designed to mess with a hitter’s timing, making them swing prematurely when anticipating a Fastball.

Aiming for the upper corners of the strike zone helps trick a hitter into thinking an Off-Speed pitch will end up being a Fastball. These pitches also have a chance of dropping due to their slow speed, so there is more than one reason to aim high.

How To Check Batter Cards & Strike Zones

MLB The Show 23 Pitcher with Batter Card and Strike Zone Visible Along with Different Pitching Options Displayed

In the same way, batters can check a pitcher’s tendencies, so too are players able to investigate the hitter when pitching. Using the R2 button on a controller, pitchers receive a breakdown of which hot spots the hitter at home plate likes to go for, called a Batter Card, and whether they try to hit with Power or Contact. In addition to the locations where certain pitch types work best, players may direct their pitchers to aim for strike zones that take advantage of a hitter’s weak spots.

A great strategy when checking a hitter’s Batter Card comes from using the inherent pitfalls of Power or Contact stance hitters. Power hitters cannot swing at full power against a pitch in a low corner of the strike zone, whereas Contact hitters are almost unable to hit pitches in high corners. While opponents can switch stances or build a custom batting stance of their own, the Batter Card at least tells the pitcher what tendencies are preferred.

How To Improve Pitchers With The Right Equipment

MLB The Show 23 Pitcher About to Throw from St. Louis Cardinals #43

Although players have a great selection of athletes to choose from when picking a pitcher for their team, the right equipment can take their stats to the next level. The best equipment to use in MLB The Show 23 may drastically improve the Velocity, Control, or other vital scores of pitchers. Thankfully, while many athletes in other positions might want to focus on a ton of varied equipment, pitchers only need to prioritize a few.

In particular, players should try to grab the Axle Grease Ritual equipment, which improves several scores by 5 points, including Pitching Clutch. Some Cleats or Fielding Gloves have the potential to increase this stat as well, so players may want to look out for pieces that would suit their pitchers best. Following all these tips, tricks, and strategies for pitching in MLB The Show 23 will give players the best means to prevent batters from ever coming close to scoring in games.

  • MLB The show 23 Game Poster-1

    MLB The Show 23

    MLB The Show

    PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch


    San Diego Studio

    Sony Interactive Entertainment, MLB Advanced Media


    Local Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer


    Release Date :

    MLB The Show 22

    Single-Player, Multiplayer


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Armessa Movie News


