Power Rangers’ Red & Blue Rangers Are Disgusting Zombies in Official DARKEST HOUR Art – Armessa Movie News



  • The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers face a dark and grim narrative as they are transformed into nightmarish zombies.
  • Aisha and Matt are corrupted by dark magic, and it seems that the fate of other Rangers may be similarly ominous.
  • Fans can expect devastating storylines and high stakes as the Power Rangers confront the undead and their last hope may lie in former villains turned reluctant saviors.

As the sun sets on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the latest official Darkest Hour cover art unveils a haunting metamorphosis. This BOOM! Studios arc delves deeper into darkness than ever before, as the beloved morphin heroes are grotesquely transformed into nightmarish zombies. The release of these harrowing comic covers allows fans to bear witness to the grim addition of two more Rangers to the ranks of the undead, promising a bleak narrative ahead.

In the latest installment of the series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112, penned by Melissa Flores and illustrated by Hendry Prasetya, Aisha and Matt grapple with the insidious grip of dark magic, leading to the corruption of the Yellow and Green Ranger. As the narrative continues to unfold, it appears that the ominous fate that befell the Aisha and Matt may also encroach upon the Blue and Red Ranger, as indicated by the ominous cover art created by Taurin Clarke for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114 and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115, written and illustrated by Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice.

Fans eager to uncover the destiny of these two heroes can dive into the upcoming comics set for release on November 22 and December 27, respectively.

The Red and Blue Rangers Get Zombified in Latest Official Darkest Hour Art

Blue Power Ranger Zombie MMPR

The emergence of this bone-chilling undead storyline finds its origin in the eerie return of the Death Ranger, who has struck an unholy alliance with Mistress Vile. However, the Death Ranger isn’t alone in his return but rather ushers in a relentless wave of corrupted Rangers through the Master Arch, laying the sinister foundation for Mistress Vile’s malevolent army. With his sinister abilities, the Death Ranger possesses the grim power to reanimate individuals, albeit perverting them into evil, zombie-like entities. This dark power has allowed him to take the field alongside newly transformed versions of the Wild Force Rangers, presenting a formidable threat of unprecedented proportions.

Solicitations shared by League of Comic Geeks for the imminent release of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 suggest that the Darkest Hour event may indeed live up to its foreboding name by delivering one of the series’ most devastating storylines. The preview drops the chilling suggestion that Tommy could potentially emerge as the last remaining Power Ranger, as indicated by the ominous proclamation that “the unthinkable happens to his friends.” Furthermore, it is implied that the Power Rangers’ last glimmer of hope now rests in the unlikely hands of former villains turned reluctant saviors, setting the stakes higher than ever before.

Power Rangers’ Join Marvel and DC in Zombie Apocalypse

Yellow Ranger Zombie MMPR-1

Darkest Hour undoubtedly holds a special appeal for fans of Marvel Zombies and DCeased, as the beloved Mighty Morphin Power Rangers join Marvel and DC in the zombie craze. However, amidst the thrill, there’s an undercurrent of impending heartbreak and anguish, leaving fans in eager anticipation to discover which of their cherished heroes might emerge from this Armageddon unscathed, if any. Presently, the epic yet chilling cover art for the forthcoming comics paints a stark, foreboding image of the future for the heroes, with numerous rangers depicted as mindless undead. The journey ahead holds a sense of unease, with the destiny of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hanging in the balance.

Source: League of Comic Geeks (1, 2)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114 from BOOM! Studios will be available on November 22.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 from BOOM! Studios will be available on December 27.


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