Racist Columbus County Sheriff Resigns During Hearing- Armessa Music News


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A Columbus County, North Carolina, sheriffwho was caught on tape saying he’s “sick of these Black bastards, in reference to Black law enforcement officials (among a slew of other blatantly racist statements)resigned from his job during a hearing that would have decided whether he was going to get the boot anyway.

According to WECT, now-former Columbus County Sheriff Jody Greene—the racist cop who ironically has one of the Blackest names ever—submitted his resignation in a county courtroom during the hearing, right before the first witness was set to be called. It’s almost as if the KKKop decided to take his spare noose and go home before people started taking the stand to testify about how he generally said he hated all his Black colleagues and wanted them all fired.

From WECT:

Just as the state prepared to call its first witness in the hearing, Greene’s attorney announced the Sheriff’s resignation. A deputy told WECT that the courtroom was at capacity, and several people were standing outside the courthouse. Most of them cheered when they learned the news.

The rest of the hearing was called off, and District Attorney Jon David says it was no longer necessary due to Greene’s resignation. The criminal investigation continues regarding allegations of misconduct and obstruction of justice committed by Greene and the Sheriff’s Office.

“These allegations speak through time and are disqualifying to anyone seeking to hold the high office of sheriff,” said David in a press release. “Should Greene be successful in the November election, my office would have an ethical obligation to file, and will file, a new Petition to Remove Greene from that term of office based on the allegations alleged in the current Petition to Remove.”

Greene was suspended from office for making racist remarks about his Black employees, but District Attorney Jon David now alleges Greene also abused his power for personal gain by arresting residents who talked down to him and threatening to arrest county commissioners without justification.

So, Greene was allegedly out here arresting people for the nonexistent crime of failing to keep his name out their mouths, and he’s a racist who wanted to clear his office of everyone who never had a debate about whether leg-washing was even necessary.

WECT previously reported that this man was a Columbus County sheriff for four years. One can only imagine how many of the county’s Black residents saw their civil rights in jeopardy during that time. This is why blatantly racist cops have to go as soon as they’re discovered.


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– Armessa Music News


