Ranking the 10 Quirkiest On-Screen Chefs – Armessa Movie News


Food is the great equalizer of this world. It is through food that we can cross divides, break down barriers, and join forces with all the world. It goes without saying, therefore, that the ones who make the food are just as important as the food, itself.

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Whether it is a man who has strict rules about his soup, or a puppet that we can’t fully, or at all, understand, a chef is someone who takes the ingredients and makes magic happen. It is through that magic that our minds get blown and our bellies filled.


10/10 Mrs. Lovett from ‘Sweeney Todd’

She is likely the most gruesome chef we could think of. Originally a baker with a pie shop, she would make pies of all kinds, but they were not selling well. She even sings about her failures as a baker with her song, “The Worst Pies in London”, and she is played perfectly by the amazing Helena Bonham Carter.

That is all, of course, until she joins forces with Sweeney Todd, the serial killer of Fleet Street. In their business arrangement, he murders individuals as he sees fit, and she uses their bodies to make meat pies in her bakery. And what do you know, the human meat pies sell like crazy! What does that say about humanity’s appetite?

9/10 Monica Geller from ‘Friends’

Monica on Friends

Not only was she a clean and neat freak, but she was an amazing chef as well. Despite several less than ideal restaurant jobs (including a ridiculous 1950s themed restaurant where she has to dress as a Dolly Parton look-a-like), she eventually becomes established as a head chef.

After so many years of poorly paying restaurant jobs as well as a few catering jobs, she finally lands the position of head chef at Allesandro’s. After many successful years there, she quits to support Chandler’s move to Tulsa for his work. Ultimately, her smarts and her talent gets her the head chef position at an upscale restaurant in Manhattan.

8/10 Remy (Little Chef) from ‘Ratatouille’

Ratatouille - Pixar

This little guy is something of an enigma. He is just a lowly rat, but at the same time, he is a master chef, capable of making the most exquisite of dishes. With his passion for food, and his acutely keen sense of smell, he is able to master the art of putting different ingredients together to make delicious dishes.

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Despite the obvious setback of being a rat in a human world, he ultimately makes his dreams come true of being the head chef at a restaurant in Paris. After learning the craft from several masters, he walks tall (as tall as a tiny rat can) and into his true calling of making wonderfully delicious food.

7/10 Bob Belcher from ‘Bob’s Burgers’


Owning and running his family burger shop, Bob’s Burgers, Bob Belcher is a cook, a chef, a baker, and everything in between. Despite his amazing skills in the kitchen, he lacks the ability to properly market his restaurant and, therefore, is constantly just barely making it financially.

While not a genius with his finances, exemplified by various poor decisions with finances in personal gain instead of for the good of the restaurant, he is a master with food. His food is always shown to have been made well and with excellent ingredients, demonstrating his skill. He just needs a better manager to help him show the world.

6/10 The Swedish Chef from ‘The Muppets’

The Swedish Chef on Muppets

Let’s be honest, no one has ever fully understood what this guy is saying, ever. But he is fun and exciting and downright hilarious. Whether he’s chopping or spooning, the Swedish Chef is likely one of the most recognizable chefs in all entertainment history.

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No, we can’t fully understand what he is saying. No, we aren’t even fully sure if he actually has eyes at all under those bushy brows. He’s been known to use incredibly unorthodox instruments for cooking, as well. For instance, he once threw a muffin in the air and shot it with a gun, making a donut. Truly wild.

5/10 The Soup Nazi from ‘Seinfeld’

The Soup Nazi

He was very strict about the expectations he had of his patrons. His standards were all about perfection and respect for the soup and for the craft of making the soup. Yev Kassem, known as the ‘soup Nazi’ just wants the world to respect his soup and his process.

When Jerry, George, and Elaine all experience their own issues with Kassem, they are each devastated, as the soup was truly magical and worth every bit of the strict requirements. Ultimately, each loses their ability, or permission, if you will, to even buy the soup.

4/10 Chef from ‘South Park’

Chef from South Park

Being a chef was really only a small part of who he was. Chef from South Park was outspoken and opinionated about a great deal of things. Once holding a position on the City Council, Chef always made sure to voice his concerns and ideas. Despite the frequently controversial nature of the show, Chef was always a fan favorite.

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After the political arena was less than forgiving of him and his ideas, Chef decided to make his way into food, and became the cafeteria cook at the South Park Elementary School, where he became friends with all our favorite hooligans there. He served as their mentor, of sorts, and dished out advice.

3/10 Jack Tripper from ‘Three’s Company’

John Ritter Threes Company Jack Tripper

Not necessarily known as a chef, Jack Tripper from Three’s Company was actually a culinary student as the series began, and eventually graduated to become a full-time chef. Through the series, we see Jack at work, doing amazing work as a chef, despite the fact that he is prone to accidents.

As the series concluded, we see Jack’s dream ultimately fulfilled – that of owning his own restaurant, which he calls Jack’s Bistro. Seeing his dreams finally come true, it helps to remind us to keep pressing onward to reach our own dreams, no matter what they might be. This show is a simple reminder of the genuine treasure that John Ritter truly was.

2/10 SpongeBob from ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’

spongebob squarepants
Image via Nickelodeon

He might be a sponge, and he might wear pants that are square, but he can make a pretty dang mean hamburger! As a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob SquarePants is a master of his trade. Making the perfect fries and hamburgers for all who desire the beauty of the Krabby Patty!

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Not only is SpongeBob dedicated to the art of cooking, he is dedicated to the restaurant, itself, as he loves it and talks about and praises it above any and every other restaurant. A truly loyal employee of the amazing Krusty Krab.

1/10 Sam from ‘Benny and Joon’

Benny and Joon Grilled Cheese

While he is not technically a chef in the film, he does demonstrate some oddly unique methods for preparing food. For instance, he mashes potatoes with a tennis racket and grills cheese sandwiches with a clothing iron. Both totally effective, but entirely weird and fantastic.

Each time he prepares food on-screen, it is exciting to see the various ways that he attacks the task with a unique flavor. Johnny Depp plays this character so perfectly, you forget that Sam is merely a character in a film, because you relate and connect to and with him.

NEXT: From ‘Chef’ to ‘Super’: 10 Underrated Movies from MCU Directors


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