Renowned UK director Terence Davies dies aged 77 | News – Armessa Movie News


Acclaimed UK filmmaker Terence Davies died today (October 7) aged 77 after a short illness, according to a social media post from his family.

Davies’ best known works include autobiographical films Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988) and The Long Day Closes (1992); and literary adaptations The House Of Mirth (2000) with Gillian Anderson, which won the Bafta for best British film; and The Deep Blue Sea (2011) with Rachel Weisz.

His other projects include documentary Of Time And City, which premiered at Cannes in 2008, and A Quiet Passion (2015), based on the life of Emily Dickinson.

His final film was Benediction (2021), which told the story of British war poet Siegfried Sassoon.

Davies was awarded the Bafta Fellowship in 2007.


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– Armessa Movie News


