Ridley Scott Drops F-Bomb Over Blade Runner Criticism- Armessa Movie News


Ridley Scott has rarely ever minced words when discussing his work, and that was the case when he recently discussed his 1982 cult classic, Blade Runner. While the movie is now hailed as an iconic sci-fi masterpiece that has captivated audiences for decades, it initially was a box office flop. Despite mixed critical reactions, the Harrison Ford-led film has aged quite well. While reflecting on it the 85-year-old Scott passionately defended his creation, even dropping an f-bomb to clarify his point.

The tech noir — based on a book by Philip K. Dick titled, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? took viewers on a dystopian journey through a future where artificial humans known as replicants confront issues of identity, ethics, and the blurred lines between humans and machines. The film, which paired Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer, was a visual and philosophical marvel. It was praised for its groundbreaking special effects, stunning cinematography and deep, thought-provoking narrative. However, it failed to find an audience in ‘82. When discussing the criticism the movie received, its director said to Total Film Magazine

I hadn’t seen ‘Blade Runner’ for 20 years. Really. But I just watched it. And it’s not slow. The information coming at you is so original and interesting, talking about biological creations and mining off-world, which, in those days, they said was silly. I say, ‘Go fuck yourself.’


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