Salem’s Lot’s Official Rating Will Excite Stephen King Fans Prepared For Vampire Mayhem In The Remake- Armessa Movie News


It’s an unfortunate state of affairs, but we don’t presently know when we can expect to see writer/director Gary Dauberman’s upcoming remake of Salem’s Lot. The film has completed principal photography and is now in post-production, but Warner Bros. has not yet given it a date on the studio’s release calendar. Sadly, this article features no update on that particular front, but we do know that when the film does arrive, it won’t be skimping on the blood in order to try and get four quadrant appeal.

We know this because Salem’s Lot has been given an official rating for domestic distribution by the Motion Picture Association’s Classification and Rating Administration, and they have deemed it necessary to give the film an “R” for “bloody violence and language.” In short, blood will flow as the evil of Kurt Barlow sets upon the small titular Maine town and creates a horde of vampires, and the characters trying to stop it won’t be censoring their language in moments of panic and fear.


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