Santa Monica Hotel workers picket AFM hub, Le Meridian Delfina | News – Armessa Movie News


Around 40 hotel workers are making their voices heard today (November 1), striking outside the American Film Market’s (AFM) hub, Le Meridian Delfina.

Hundreds of hotel workers from multiple properties across Santa Monica have been striking since June, demanding that hotels pay them living wages that allow them to afford housing, as well as better benefits, such as improved pensions.

“It is very difficult to live in LA, everything is very expensive, and every day is more expensive,” said Jacquline Martin, a striking barista who works in the restaurant at Le Meridian Delfina, and has been employed by the hotel for 20 years. “I need to be able to feed my family, rent my car.”

“They don’t hire enough people,” she continues. “They are overworking people. The front office work 10 hours, six days a week.”

Martin said she knows of colleagues who have to travel in for two hours to work at the hotel, as they cannot afford to live any closer by.

Rosalina Palula is a housekeeper who has worked the nightshift for 13 years at Le Meridian Delfina. She currently earns $25 per hour, and is asking to be paid $30 an hour. “We’re here on strike to be heard from the bosses at the top.”

Screen had not heard back on request for comment from Le Meriden Delfina as of a request made last week.



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– Armessa Movie News


