Scream Responded To The Rumored Trailer Leak In The Most On Brand Way- Armessa Movie News


The promotion of films is often as important as the films themselves and that usually includes a very specific schedule for when new information is going to be released. While rumors or other leaks revealing information that a production would rather keep secret are always a risk, it’s rare, though certainly not impossible for things like trailers to hit the internet before a studio is ready, though usually, as with the Suicide Squad trailer leak years ago, it happens at conventions. And yet, a trailer leak is exactly what appeared to have happened to the new Scream film.

A trailer recently began making the rounds which purported to be a leak of the first trailer for the forthcoming Scream 6. However, based on a tweet from the official Scream Twitter account, it appears that the “leak” is actually a fan-made trailer, not the real thing. The Scream account responded to a post about the alleged leak with a stab of its own. 

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