Screen Ireland receives annual budget boost of €1.5m | News – Armessa Movie News


Ireland’s national agency for the screen industry, Screen Ireland, has received a €1.5m increase to its budget, as outlined by the Irish government’s 2024 budget.

Screen Ireland’s total budget for 2024 will be €39.2m, compared to €37.7m in 2023. 

The capital budget for 2024 will be around €34m, which is invested in projects and initiatives, while the administration budget will be around €5.2m, allocated to staffing, marketing and other administrative costs. 

This follows yesterday’s boost to Section 481, the Irish tax incentive of 32%, which has increased its eligible expenditure cap to €125m from  €70m.

The enhanced budget will provide support to launch a new Creative Clusters programme for 2024, targeting emerging screen talent and communities across the country, with a pilot scheme proposed for County Cork. The budget for 2024 will also support sustainability funding and audience development initiatives to ensure sustainable growth into the future.

Susan Bergin, chair of the board of Screen Ireland, said: “The increase in our funding today will help us continue to deliver on our strategic objectives, taking into account costs of inflation, and will also support an international campaign to highlight and communicate Section 481 internationally to ensure these benefits are felt across the screen industry.”

“Screen Ireland’s ambition for the future growth of the Irish screen industry is to ensure that both local and international production takes place throughout Ireland, bringing the cultural and economic benefits to the entire country. This remains one of our key objectives for 2024,” added Désirée Finnegan, Screen Ireland chief executive.


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– Armessa Movie News


