Sekhret Hunt (Location, Tips, & Reward) – Armessa Movie News


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The Hunt Board in Final Fantasy 16 provides an optional enemy called Sekhret that can be defeated for different rewards through Notorious Marks, but the location of these strong foes can be hard to track down. A B-Rank Hunt that drops a rare item in addition to plenty of Gil and Renown, Sekhret is a hulking warrior that could give Clive a proper challenge.

The Sekhret Hunt puts the tough enemy at level 31, a rank that Clive should be close to in order to have the best chance at winning. This Notorious Mark puts you up against a Minotaur enemy, a hulking beast with slow-moving attacks that hit extra hard. Similar to the Carrot hunt in Final Fantasy 16, Clive may have some experience with this enemy type already, which could influence what Eikon abilities to equip for the fight.

How To Find and Defeat Sekhret

Once you accept the Sekhret Mark from the Hunt Board, it will show the enemy to be in the northwest part of Greensheaves, an area to the west of Rhiannon’s Ride. Using a waypoint obelisk to travel to Martha’s Rest puts you closest to Sekhret. It can be difficult to find the Minotaur by Greensheaves in Final Fantasy 16 since the beast stands alone, but going along the edge of the map should put you in Sekhret’s path enough to find him.

Sekhret has two named attacks for this fight in Final Fantasy 16, called Raging Bull and Big Swing, in addition to normal swinging attacks with his club and other charging strikes. Raging Bull sees Sekhret charge at Clive aggressively more than once, which should be dodged quickly for a perfect evade to deal a bit of damage.

Big Swing is a long attack where Sekhret spins around with the club, trying to hit Clive in a wide area.

The best way to fight the Minotaur is to evade their attacks since both Raging Bull and Big Swing put Sekhret in a vulnerable state when they finish. Making sure to use abilities that deal pure damage in Final Fantasy 16 when Sekhret is recovering will be the best way to drain the creature’s health and Will. By playing it safe, Clive can defeat Sekhret in a short amount of time, as long as you don’t attack impatiently.

Rewards for Beating Sekhret

Final Fantasy 16 Hunt Board B-Rank Sekhret Quest with Rewards Listed

Reporting Sekhret’s defeat at the Hunting Board earns 8,200 Gil, 20 Renown, around 800 XP, and 60 Ability Points. The Minotaur will also drop a rare item, a Minotaur Mane, which can be used to craft better gear or weapons for Clive.

Finding the location of the B-Rank Hunt against Sekhret in Final Fantasy 16 lets this reward become a strong tool for Clive to use for the larger bosses found later in the game.


    Final Fantasy 16

    Final Fantasy

    PlayStation 5


    Square Enix Creative Business Unit 3

    Square Enix

    JRPG, Hack and Slash, Action


    How Long To Beat:
    70-80 hours

    Final Fantasy 15


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