Should You Side With Jago or Bennett In Run This Town? – Armessa Movie News



  • Players must choose the new boss of Dogtown after the events of Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC.
  • The quest giver, Mr. Hands, advises delicate treatment of Jago due to his calm demeanor and lucrative contacts.
  • V can either choose Bennet, Jago, or an alliance between the two.

After the events of Cyberpunk 2077‘s Phantom Liberty DLC, players are forced to choose the new boss of Dogtown: the wily Jago, or the brutal Bennett. These two have been squabbling over territory for the entirety of the DLC, and while Kurt Hansen and his Barghest militia once kept them in check, that guiding force has disappeared as of Phantom Liberty‘s ending. V is drawn into the power vacuum created by Hansen’s death during the Phantom Liberty side questRun This Town.” They have the authority to decide which of the remaining two factions will take over the district.

Or at least it seems that way. V is actually under the employ of one Mr. Hands, a fixer with motives of his own. Mr. Hands wants the level-headed Jago to win out, and not just because of his amenable temperament. Jago also has some useful, lucrative contacts in his book, which Mr. Hands hopes he can continue to call upon. As his hired hand, V may earn more or less money in this job depending on whether their employer is satisfied with the result. Here’s what each choice affects, and how to achieve the maximum payout.

Related: One Cyberpunk 2077 Choice Will Ruin Your Phantom Liberty Playthrough

What Happens If You Choose Bennett To Take Over Dogtown In Phantom Liberty?

No matter what, “Run This Town” opens with V taking on the identity of the assassin Aguilar Nubiola, and heading to the bunker where Jago has scheduled a meeting with the Voodoo Boys. There’s no such thing as a peaceful resolution here, so V will need to take out all the Voodoo Boys before Jago arrives. Once Jago gets there, V confronts him as Aguilar. Jago reveals that Bennett isn’t just out for himself – he’s got an under-the-table arrangement with the Arasaka Corporation, which has its own eyes on Dogtown. Jago also provides a little intelligence as to Bennett’s location, so V can meet with him ahead of Hansen’s wake.

V should head to Downtown City Center, stealthily remove Bennett’s driver from the location, and get into Bennett’s car if they want to side with him. After the initial shock, Bennett explains that Arasaka doesn’t want to rule over Dogtown, just the smuggling routes that Hansen and Barghest used to control. V should say “What if Jago weren’t a problem?” to side with Bennett here. “You will forget about Arasaka,” causes him to become immediately hostile. V won’t have to kill him, but this can hurt their relationship.

Finally, V can go to the wake at the Black Sapphire and watch the dialogue play out. They can get Jago to give up his contacts by saying, “A fair price, Jago. One that you will pay.” Either way, if V sided with Bennett, he’ll shoot Jago over Hansen’s dead body in a hostile takeover.

Related: “Electrifying, Emotional, And Full Of Twists” – Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review

V is allowed to leave, and will receive a call from Mr. Hands once they step outside the venue. If they got Jago’s contacts, Mr. Hands will be somewhat ambivalent. He’s happy that V fulfilled his terms, but regrets the violence they caused. Still, he pays the full promised price of 8,000 eurodollars. If Bennett killed Jago before he could reveal his contacts, then Mr. Hands will be upset, and dock V’s pay by 2,000.

What Happens If You Choose Jago To Take Over Dogtown In Phantom Liberty?

Jago stands next to his car, hands beginning to raise into a defensive posture, in a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

If they want to side with Jago, V can skip the extra encounter with Bennett and head straight to the funeral. Bennett will eventually pull a gun on Jago, and V only has a few seconds to react. With a Reflex stat of 10, they can eliminate Bennett before he kills Jago. Jago is unwilling to kill Bennett, and possibly unarmed. They’ll have to do the job themselves, with Aguilar’s signature Phantom Liberty weapon and a Reflex check of 10. If they fail, Bennett will shoot Jago and take over anyway, so it’s important to be prepared and pay attention when taking this route.

But with Jago having taken over, Mr. Hands is a little more satisfied. He pays full price, 8,000 eddies, but expresses even greater disappointment at the violence wrought by V’s own hand. However, he does get in touch later, after meeting with Jago over a cup of tea. Apparently, Mr. Hands is confident in his leadership ability, and believes Dogtown is in good hands. All in all, this is far from the worst outcome, but it’s not the best, either.

What Happens If You Get Jago And Bennett To Work Together

Jago and Bennett stand over Hansen's coffin in a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

If V instead chooses “You would plunge Dogtown into chaos?” during the confrontation at the Black Sapphire, they’ll draw their weapon. But instead of exacerbating the tension, this quickly relieves it. Bennett and Jago find common ground, as they both determine they want whatever’s best for their shared neighborhood. Together, they work out a scheme in which Bennett is the de facto leader, and Jago is his second-in-command. It’s a bit of a strained relationship at first, but everyone leaves the wake alive (except Hansen), and Mr. Hands is thrilled. He compliments V on their professionalism, and pays them a slight bonus for a total of 10,000 eddies.

You Should Get Bennett And Jago To Work Together In Phantom Liberty

A smiling Mr. Hands sits on a leather couch clutching a teacup in a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

It’s only sensible to try and get Bennett and Jago to work together in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. This is the most peaceful of all possible outcomes, with no one having to die, except for the legions of Voodoo Boys V slaughters on their way to the funeral. It’s also the quickest option, allowing V to skip the scene in Bennett’s car, and comes with the least risk. There are no skill checks, extra combat scenarios, or quick reactions required to achieve this result.

Jago and Bennett aren’t exactly a match made in heaven, but their unique cocktail of brains and brawn should make their rule an effective one. And, if for absolutely no other reason, V should choose peace here because it earns them the most money from Mr. Hands.

Still, there’s no one universally right answer here. None of these decisions affect much beyond the quest, and certainly don’t have any impact on the ending of Cyberpunk 2077. A 4,000 eurodollar difference is nothing to sneeze at, but even if V chooses one of the other options, they can easily make up the deficit elsewhere. The correct decision in Cyberpunk 2077‘s “Run This Town” is whatever best meshes with each individual V’s personality.


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