Silo Episode 6 Ending Explained: Who Is Watching Juliette? – Armessa Movie News


Warning: This article contains spoilers for Apple TV+’s Silo.

Silo episode 6’s ending makes some major revelations about Juliette’s privacy and safety, which makes it hard not to wonder what the future holds for her. After slowing down in episodes 4 and 5 while emphasizing Juliette’s backstory, Silo increases its narrative pace in episode 6 by revealing how Juliette plans to buy herself more time in her quest to solve mysteries as the new Sheriff. The episode also portrays how her past relationship with George Wilkins primarily drives her search for answers in the Silo.


Unfortunately, towards the end of Silo episode 6, Juliette (played by Dune star Rebecca Ferguson) realizes that she does not know Wilkins as well as she thought. This realization almost makes her quit her Sheriff’s post, but Martha helps her find a new purpose to keep going. However, just when it looks Silo‘s episode 6 is about to end on a high note for Juliette, a dark twist reveals that a camera behind the mirror of her apartment is being used to spy on her.

Who Was Watching Juliette Through The Mirror In Silo Episode 6

Silo episode 6’s closing scene pans out into a room full of screens playing CCTV footage from different parts of the Silo. This confirms that unbeknownst to Juliette and most other unsuspecting citizens of the Silo, someone from the upper echelons of the Silo is always keeping a close eye on them. While Silo episode 6 does not reveal the identities of the men who watch Juliette from the CCTV room, several hints from previous episodes suggest that they are the Listeners.

Who Are The Listeners In Silo & Who Do They Work For

Sims looking angry in Silo.

No regular citizen of the Silo seems to be sure about the existence of the Listeners. However, as rumors indicate, the Listeners (a.k.a “Whispering Friends of the Silo“) are everywhere and can hold any job. According to most citizens, they hide in plain sight, listen to everything happening around them, and then secretly report suspicious activities inside the Silo to the Judicial. Silo episode 6’s ending reveals that other than disguising themselves as normal citizens, the Listeners also use CCTV camera footage to track every little movement and conversation in the underground city.

RELATED: What Happened To Deputy Marnes At The End Of Silo Episode 4

After finding out that Juliette possesses a forbidden book about the secrets of the outside world and its history, one of the two Listeners starts panicking and asks the other to call their superior even though it is the middle of the night. While Silo episode 6 does not unveil the name or the identity of this superior figure, he could possibly be Sims since Silo has previously established him as the Judicial’s Head of Security. Given how CCTV surveillance is a form of high-end technology in the show’s world, the head of Silo‘s IT, Bernard (Tim Robbins), may also be well aware of and even involved in these oppressive behind-the-scenes practices of the Judicial.

How The Mirror Connects To Holston’s Warning Note To Juliette

David Oyelowo as Sheriff Holston talking to Rebecca Ferguson's Juliette in Silo

Before leaving the Silo, Holston leaves a note in his Sheriff’s apartment saying: “Double the flowers in front of the mirror.” Although his message initially makes little sense, its hidden meaning becomes less shrouded after Silo episode 6’s ending. It suggests that Holston had discovered the camera behind his mirror and had left that note as a warning for Juliette. Since he knew that the Listeners were watching him closely after his wife left the Silo, he intentionally wrote the message as a riddle instead of directly referring to the camera.

Sheriff Holston had realized that doubling the flowers in front of the mirror would obstruct the camera’s view and make it incredibly hard for the Listeners to spy on the room. Since flowers are general household items, they would also not raise suspicion. Unfortunately, Juliette does not take his note too seriously, and the Listeners get a clear vision of her reading a forbidden relic of a book through the camera behind the mirror.

Holston’s message also seems to serve as a metaphor for the Silo’s secrets. Just like the mirror enhances the visual impact of the flowers kept in front of it by doubling them through deception, the Silo’s authorities give citizens a false sense of comfort by hiding their deceitful personal agendas and secrets. The doubling of the flowers could also be an allegory for how there are multiple layers to Silo‘s mysteries, and to get to the bottom of them, Juliette will have to see beyond what meets the eye.

New episodes of Silo release Fridays on Apple TV+.


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