SnyderVerse Supporter Claims Zack Snyder Haters Have Been Brainwashed- Armessa Movie News


via Warner Bros.

One fan is convinced that internet culture has brainwashed the youths into thinking that Zack Snyder sucks, which is pretty ironic considering it was the internet that rallied to get the so-called Snyder Cut – official Zack Snyder’s Justice League – released.

Zack has a pretty pretty good portfolio of films, starting strong with 2004’s Dawn of the Dead remake. But whilst he definitely has talent, there’s no denying the DCEU struggled under his regime. The dark and edgy tone just didn’t really gel with an audience who were used to the more lighthearted Marvel movies. 

But that wasn’t the only issue, films like Man of Steel contained so much chaos and destruction that it pretty much lost all impact by the end. And then you had Batman vs. Superman, one of the most boring comic book movies ever, a movie that was so concerned with setting up the next one that it forgot to have a story of its own.

Although one Snyder stan has their own theory as to why the director receives so much hate now. It’s because of the internet, of course! Apparently, the internet has turned the general audience against Snyder. 

“People that were under the age of 18 when Man of Steel came out literally grew up in an internet culture that brainwashed them into hating Zack and nitpicking his movies with bad faith and lies. 

Half of the people who hate him have never watched his movies.”

There is some truth there

superman man of steel
via Warner Bros.

Now, they may have a bit of a point, there are a select few who really dislike the DC director. Some incredibly devoted haters who have a tendency to take things too far. But then the same can be said for the new head of DC, James Gunn, who’s found himself battling trolls online daily with Snyder fans going as far as examining his every move and compiling detailed lists of everything Gunn has done wrong. as he has to defend his movies before they even come out.

The user also has a point about the internet having a narrative that seems pretty anti-Snyder. Most of the opinions held online are that Snyder’s reign as the DC head was pretty lame. Although the tweet makes a logical jump in assuming that people think this because they’ve been brainwashed by the internet; it’s more so that Snyder’s movies actually do suck.

The tweet found its way to fellow Snyder fans who agreed that the internet was to blame.

“Exactly this..I was 13 then so didn’t have access to internet and discovered Zack’s filmography with Watchmen. Now Twitter seems the only place where people keep bringing the same argument again and again.” – @shatadru1999

“I’m lucky that I was both old enough and far enough removed from the internet that I didn’t even know people hated Zack til agter JL17. 

Everyone I knew at work, as friends, neighbors, & family liked his movies. I’d never seen anyone actually hate the man before twitter.” – @AJ_Schaefer

“I actually agree with this strongly. There ain’t no way Man of Steel went from being absolutely loved by fans (cinematically also being one of the best CB movies ever) and then all of a sudden Snyder sucks! To be fair just look at No way home and how internet makes it seem crap.” – @All5tarboy

To be fair, if you don’t go online, you’re not likely going to see a lot of varying opinions, the people around you will likely hold similar opinions, but that doesn’t mean that is what the majority think. That’s not to say that people aren’t allowed to enjoy his films. I personally really like Man of Steel and most of Snyder’s work that came before it. However, I can see why many hate his films too. Just because the prevailing opinion online doesn’t match your own doesn’t mean that people have been brainwashed by the internet.

About the author

Jordan Collins

Jordan Collins

Jordan is a writer at WeGotThisCovered. He’s been on the site for half a year and has been writing for a few years before that.
Jordan has a Masters in Creative Writing and he loves telling that to anyone who will listen.
Aside from that he often spends time getting lost in films, books and games. He particularly enjoys fantasy from The Legend of Zelda to The Lord of the Rings.
His main reason for writing is so he can afford to feed his pet fish called Kevin.

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