Sorry Batman – Joker Has Chosen [SPOILER] As His New Nemesis – Armessa Movie News


Warning: contains a preview of Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #2!After being rejected by Batman during the events of ‘The Joker War,’ the Clown Prince of Crime has chosen a new target for his obsessive ‘affections.’ For years, Joker did anything he could to get Batman’s attention – even feeling jealous when the Dark Knight tangled with other villains, and seeking to prove that he deserved Bruce’s attention more than any other Gotham rogue. However, after months away from his former nemesis, it now seems that while Joker is back, he’s shifting his focus to another Gotham hero.

The Joker’s new obsession is highlighted in Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #2 by Matthew Rosenberg, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus, and Marie Javins. Carmine Di Giandomenico’s cover art can be viewed below, along with a taste of what is to come in the issue, which officially releases on October 24.

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Batman-Catwoman-The-Gotham-War-Red-Hood #2-3

Batman-Catwoman-The-Gotham-War-Red-Hood #2-5

Batman-Catwoman-The-Gotham-War-Red-Hood #2-6

The issue sees Joker returning to Gotham after time recuperating abroad, only to make a beeline for Jason Todd, setting up a scheme to get Red Hood’s attention. Recently, Red Hood has been on a mission to kill the Joker, but Batman and Catwoman’s Gotham War has stolen his attention. Now, it’s the Joker looking for Red Hood, getting in touch with the goons Jason recently trained for Catwoman’s side of the conflict.

The Joker is Now Obsessed with Jason Todd

Red Hood Joker comics

It makes sense that Joker’s love has drifted from Batman to Red Hood. At the end of the recent ‘The Joker War’ arc, Batman refused to save Joker’s life, coached to sever their twisted bond by Harley Quinn. Batman was trying to change his relationship with Joker and step back from their dual obsession with each other. After that, Joker took some time out of the country, tangling with the Court of Owls and Bane. Now that he’s back in Gotham, it seems he only has eyes for the hero who kept obsessing over him while he was away – Jason Todd’s Red Hood.

Of course, Jason is the Robin who Joker killed as a teenager, and ever since then, the Clown Prince has loved the violence, hate and rage he summons in the former Batman apprentice. He’s even gone so far as to call Jason Todd his Robin – one who keeps making trouble for Batman because of the trauma Joker caused.

Joker shifting his main obsession to Red Hood is a smart move by DC. In many ways, the two are made for each other – while Batman represents the order to Joker’s chaos, Red Hood is a hero who’s actually tempted by that chaos. Joker is the villain who made him want to kill, and who he can’t stand to know is out there alive. It’s an obsession that distances Jason from the Bat-Family and any semblance of a normal life, making Joker a far greater threat to his soul than he’s ever been to Batman’s. Red Hood has been obsessed with Joker for years – now, whether Jason likes it or not, the feeling’s mutual.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #2 goes on sale from DC Comics on October 24.


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