Star Wars’ Old Republic Really Fell In The Phantom Menace – Armessa Movie News


The Old Republic featured in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace was one of the most powerful legislative groups in the galaxy – but had already fallen by the time of the movie. The laws passed within the Galactic Senate impacted trillions of lives, which is why the office of the Supreme Chancellor held enormous responsibility. At first, it may sound surreal to attempt to take control of an entire government — one that has stood for several millennia — by trying to be elected as its leader. However, while the Galactic Republic guarded against military threats that came from the outside, it was blind to the threat that came from within.


Long before the Jedi attacked Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, he expertly usurped Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum without anyone even realizing his intentions. During his time, Valorum weakened the office of the Supreme Chancellor by playing things safely. The bureaucrats of the Republic were the ones that held the real power, while Valorum was merely the face of the Republic. It was almost easy for Palpatine to walk in and voice the concerns about Valorum that everyone had already been thinking. It was only a matter of time before the vote of no confidence was raised against him, and Palpatine had the perfect reason to do it.

Related: Star Wars: Every Sith Artifact In Palpatine’s Senate Office Explained

The Old Republic Fell When Palpatine Became Chancellor

When Palpatine seized the office of Supreme Chancellor from Valorum, the Old Republic was truly doomed from then on. Palpatine didn’t even need a lightsaber or any sort of force to take down the most powerful government in the galaxy, all he needed was for them to elect him as their leader. Of course, he couldn’t suggest the vote of no confidence in Valorum and then push his own name for election. This is why he used Queen Amidala to do it for him — similarly to how he used Jar Jar Binks to gain emergency powers in Attack of the Clones.

Once Palpatine was Supreme Chancellor, he slowly reorganized his position — and the Republic as a whole — to be more powerful. By sending his apprentice Count Dooku to split the Republic and lead the Separatists, Palpatine paved the way to seizing more and more power for the sake of defending the Republic from the Separatists. The Republic’s previous army was no match for the kind of power Dooku amassed for the Separatists, which gave Palpatine a reason for creating the Grand Army of the Republic. As the Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine was aptly placed to present the solution to a problem he had secretly created.

Mace Windu Realized The Republic Had Fallen In Revenge Of The Sith

Mace Windu with three other Jedi in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

Unfortunately, the vision of the Jedi was clouded when it came to Palpatine’s master plan of seizing the Old Republic. When Palpatine was confronted by Mace Windu and the other Jedi for his crimes, Windu realized that it was far too late. Palpatine had spent years burrowing himself within the Senate, and Windu knew that Palpatine had to have contingency plans. Even if Anakin had sided with Windu, Palpatine’s influence in the Senate wasn’t something the Jedi could take from him. As such, the Old Republic had fallen over a decade earlier when Palpatine first seized control in The Phantom Menace.

Next Article: The Phantom Menace’s First Draft Was Better Than The Final Movie


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