Starck’s Vision Of Dr. Weir In Event Horizon Explained – Armessa Movie News


Event Horizon ends with Joely Richardson’s Starck having one final vision of Sam Neill’s Dr. Weir, but what does it mean? Event Horizon’s original screenplay featured an alien causing the hallucinations that haunt the crew, but once director Paul W.S. Anderson came onboard, he changed the premise to the ship itself being possessed by hellish forces. In addition to obvious nods to horror classics like The Shining and Alien, the “Realm of Chaos” from Warhammer also inspired Event Horizon’s depiction of Hell.

Event Horizon was a box-office dud in 1997, but thanks to VHS, DVD and TV airings, it gradually amassed a loyal cult following. The film has some truly unsettling scenes and bouts of gore, and Event Horizon’s lost footage has since become a thing of internet myth too. The story doesn’t end well for the majority of its characters, though Richardson’s Starck, Richard T. Jones’ Cooper and Jack Noseworthy’s Justin at least manage to survive the horror. While Event Horizon closes with the survivors being rescued, it’s not quite a happy ending either.

Breakdown Of Starck’s Vision In Event Horizon’s Ending

The finale of Event Horizon sees Captain Miller sacrifice himself to save the crew by blowing up part of the ship. The survivors use the front section as a life pod, while the bottom section is sucked back into a black hole/Hell, taking Miller with it. The final scene sees Starck and Cooper waking up out of cryosleep by helmeted rescuers. As the former regains her senses, one rescuer lifts his helmet to reveal the demonic Weir (Sam Neill) underneath, who grabs for her before she wakes, revealing it was a nightmare. Cooper tries to comfort the screaming Starck as he assures her they’re finally safe.

The Meaning Behind Starck’s Vision Of Dr. Weir

sam neill as dr weir in event horizon

There are a few different interpretations of Starck’s vision of Weir in Event Horizon’s finale. The most surface level is that she’s having a genuine nightmare, and given the trauma she just suffered, that’s perfectly understandable. Another is that the ship itself is still possessed, and the way the door seemingly closes by itself in the final shot might be a hint this is the case. Notably, Starck never saw the demon version of Weir in person, so the fact she’s having a vision of him is interesting.

In fact, Weir had a vision of his deceased wife while he was still in stasis approaching the Event Horizon. She continued to haunt Weir throughout the story, suggesting perhaps the vision of Weir will do the same thing to Starck. There was actually a different ending in Event Horizon’s screenplay, where Starck would awaken to the screams of all those who died on the ship before being seized by hands – who are revealed to be the rescuers. Ultimately, Event Horizon lets viewers decide if Starck and the others are completely free of the ship’s hold – though they might be seeing Weir in their nightmares in the years ahead.


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