Steel Panther’s Satchel brands K-Pop boy band BTS ‘s***t’ – Music News – Armessa Music News


Steel Panther’s guitarist Satchel has branded BTS the “worst f****** s***” he’s ever heard.

The member of the comedic glam metal band made his mind up about the K-Pop boy band after listening to just two songs.

In a Q+A for Classic Rock magazine, he said: “Recently we went to Japan and I had a day to kill. I was trapped in my hotel room and somebody told me (South Korean boy band) BTS had sold out the Raiders stadium where I live in Vegas. I was like: ‘No f****** way can this be happening – and why?’ I had to figure it out. So I listened to two songs. It was the worst f****** s*** I’ve ever heard in my life.”

In the same feature, the 52-year-old rocker – whose real name is Russell John Parrish – said he wants his own band’s song, the X-rated ‘Gloryhole’, to be played at his funeral.

He said: “I’d like to have Steel Panther songs played at my funeral, because they’re pretty lighthearted and I don’t want to have a depressing funeral. So I hope they play ‘Gloryhole’ really loud.”

Meanwhile, the ‘Death to All But Metal’ rockers – who formed in Los Angeles in 2000 – previously reassured fans that they will “continue to rock the world” following the departure of bassist Lexxi Foxx in 2021.

They wrote: “Steel Panther will continue to rock the world. And though we may not ever find a bassist quite as beautiful as Lexxi, it shouldn’t be hard to find one to match his towering intellect.

“Good luck… And goodbye Lexxi Foxx!!”


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