Taika Waititi’s Next Goal Wins Is The Next Movie To Repeat An Armie Hammer Controversy Trend- Armessa Movie News


Armie Hammer had a prominent acting career gaining wide recognition in The Social Network and a Golden Globe nomination for his role in Call Me By Your Name. But January 2021 changed everything for him when an anonymous Instagram account House of Elfie made allegations about leaked messages Hammer allegedly sent that involved cannibalistic requests. As these rumors led Hammer to drop out of many upcoming projects, Taika Waititi’s Next Goal Wins is the next movie to repeat this controversial trend.

Last January, an anonymous Instagram account House of Elfie claimed that Armie Hammer sent her DMs requesting graphic, sexual activity with hints of cannibalism. The Social Network actor denied the accusations, calling them “bullshit claims.” The controversy towards the acclaimed actor didn’t stop there as sexual assault allegations against Hammer followed, with one woman saying she reportedly suffered violent abuse from Hammer and thought he was going to kill her. Another accuser told Page Six she was reportedly subjected to emotional abuse from the J. Edgar actor and attended a PTSD hospitalization program as a result of the relationship. Following the allegations, Hammer dropped out of many film projects, with his next one being Taika Waititi’s latest movie.

Armie Hammer Was Originally Supposed To Be In Next Goal Wins 


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