The 15 Best Nicki Minaj Features – Rolling Stone- Armessa Music News


Show-stealing moments with Drake, Beyonce, Young Thug and more

Live from South Jamaica, Queens, Nicki Minaj has stacked up one of the most impressive portfolios in hip-hop history. The 40-year-old icon has sold over 100 million records, and has been a part of 132 songs that charted on the Billboard Top 100 — including three number ones. And she did it all, for better or worse, her way. 

Her charisma and mic presence are undeniable; only she could get away with rhyming “I look like ‘yes’ and you like ‘no’” on Drake’s “Up All Night.” The way she bolsters her appearances by oscillating between her bassy inner New Yorker, the demure Barbie, and the rambunctious Roman demonstrates top tier MC craftsmanship. It’s not merely about voice changes — on a pindrop she switches up cadences, speed, and rhyme patterns like a pink Ferrari shifting gears down Queens’ Van Wyck expressway. And she just may be the best at mentioning her song’s counterpart in memorable, often raunchy ways. 

That combination of attributes may be what made her a go-to feature killer for more than a decade. Like her Young Money compadres Drake and Lil Wayne, she’s a remix ceiling raiser at her best: she makes a solid song good, and a good song great. 

Most people point to her “Monster” feature as her breakout moment, but as this list shows, she’s been stealing the show even before then.

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– Armessa Music News


