The Calling Card Of Country’s Andrew Salgado @ – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) It was early summer while touring in Texas that songwriter/artist Andrew Salgado was performing in front of an audience of his peers and first timers. The event had been arranged by Los Angeles promoter Barry Coffing of Springboard Festival fame and Andrew was one of four experienced artists to share the stage. For many it was their first experience at watching and listening to the artist present his original compositions. As luck would have it while performing his third song he acquired the dreaded brain freeze that artists experience from time to time, rarely, but it does happen.

A more inexperienced and nervous artist would have just fell apart at that exact moment but not Andrew. He just kept strumming on his Martin and made up words sharing the humor of it all with his peers and the newbies in the crowded venue. Smiles began to form as it was obvious that the vast majority of attendees had been there too. Soon after the next chorus the words came back and the man ended his song with vibrancy and flair. Andrew’s honesty was refreshing and the response from the crowd was loud and accepting. Then once he knew they were with him he added a chorus of meet me at the merch table for photographs and smiles.

That was the icing on the cake and so it goes with Andrew Salgado whether he’s performing for thousands or hundreds his real life personality stays with him on stage. In today’s world of stoic stage acts it’s quite a pleasant experience to share the evening with someone genuine. After all as Andrew says. “If we were sitting in someone’s kitchen or by a bonfire sharing a comfortable evening together that’s what it’s really all about.” Most recently Andrew’s publisher, Synapse Publishing & Entertainment, hired the famed Americana Country radio promoter Bill Wence in Nashville. Together they selected a focus track, “Lipstick Stains On My T-Shirt” from Andrew’s latest album and submitted it to hundreds of radio stations. Soon Andrew’s song came in at #1 on Roots Music Report then it remained at #1 the following week and stayed at #1 for a total of five weeks in a row.

So not only is the man good in front of audiences his rockin’ country sound impresses disc jockeys all across North America. That’s saying something. Additionally, Andrew didn’t sit still at home just waiting for the numbers to roll in he actually hit the road on a tour that would take him through Tennessee, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas. Stopping along the way to visit with station managers and show hosts at radio stations. Once again his audience appeal came through this time on the airwaves and the phone lines lit up.

At about the same time Andrew’s song was hitting radio audiences offshore in Europe. Country Music News International Radio show *Germany) reported that “Lipstick Stains On My T-Shirt” was their number one requested repeat play. Other offshore stations followed suit including the syndicated radio show in Australia “It’s My Country Radio Show”. Most recently Synapse Publishing & Entertainment announced that the second focus track from the album “Learning How To Forget” is on its way to radio and it looks like lightning could be striking twice.

To learn more about Andrew access

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