The Navy Worked With Top Gun: Maverick To Film, But They Weren’t Messing Around When It Came To Sensitive Information- Armessa Movie News


The making of Top Gun: Maverick was no small task, and it involved working extremely closely with the United States Navy to pull off this authentic and extreme movie about fighter pilots. Joseph Kosinski, the director of the legacy sequel, has been extremely open about his “quest for authenticity” on this movie, as he told Deadline. Most recently he talked about how he was allowed to go places and see things within the Navy that many civilians could never see. However, because the Navy was letting the director behind the curtain if you will, they also weren’t messing around when it came to making sure confidential and sensitive information didn’t get out. 

This all came up while Kosinski was talking to Deadline about his love for aviation. He explained that getting to collaborate with the Navy was super exciting, and while working on the film he got to travel to the Teddy Roosevelt aircraft carrier and learn all about the planes. The director also noted that he got do a lot of things that many civilians would never get to, saying: 

So, I got to live that dream of being in the Navy for a couple years. I got to go to places that civilians don’t get to go to. I got to see things that no civilian would get to see. I had my camera confiscated at one point. Wiped clean.


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