The Quiet Epidemic (2023) Film Review- Armessa Movie News


If there’s one thing we learned when the worst health-related disaster in modern times hit us in 2020, was to understand the power of that which we can’t see. A virus hit modern society like no one expected, and it was so contagious we lived in relative isolation for too many days. It changed how we socially perform today. It’s hard to say if there’s something good or bad that came out of that. It just… happened.

I won’t put myself in a controversial position by undermining the effect of COVID-19, but it’s pretty ironic how serious we took it, considering all the other diseases out there that we suddenly forgot about. From mental health issues to cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19 was the one to take care of. A regular flu never changed how we live, so why did this one?

While you come up with an answer, perhaps you should take a look at the other side of a vaccinated reality. In the other spectrum, where there are “diseases that aren’t possible in a modern age”, there’s a very special kind of epidemic that we should be more aware of. It’s called Lyme’s Disease, and unlike COVID, it’s hard to find agreement in the medical field. This is a disease whose effect and related dangers aren’t proportional to what society has taught us about it. You already opened your eyes due to COVID. Keep them open for this one.

Whatever argument you may have for undermining the gravity of Lyme’s Disease in current society, will be torn to pieces by the documentary feature The Quiet Epidemic by directors Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane Murdoch. The very articulated film is a journey through the effect of the underrated sickness that’s been slowly wreaking havoc in modern society. However, this is not about people being skeptic, or anti vaxxers leading the charge in giving strength to the myth. This is about the medical society that’s probably the most advanced in the world and their frustrating ability to cross their arms and… do nothing about it.

The limits of this unexplained view go all the way to national television as Julia Bruzzese, the film’s subject, gets blessed by Pope Francis on live television. She hasn’t been able to walk since her early teens and the footage brings to the table the seriousness of Lyme. However, as shallow as this sounds, one would expect health officials to give some attention to the case as the Pope himself is now linked to the effects of the disease. Instead, Bruzzese’s family start facing an unscrupulous health system that’s following obsolete guidelines and the visions of doctors that can’t seem to understand how the disease works. It’s a revealing aspect of the lack of empathy of those who lead the field.

And it’s all science. Both sides fight based on science and facts and agreement seems to be distant. The film goes to great lengths at trying to shed some light on the reasons for such behavior by the specialists but nothing seems to be clear. They just deny, refuse to talk, and go on to live their lives while Bruzzese is forced to dance on a wheelchair at her senior prom. In a heartbreaking sequence, Bruzzese’s father stares in desperation as another medical treatment appears to be pointless for curing, but potential for diagnosing and giving some force to their side.

The Quiet Epidemic is a revealing film that’s far more important than news reports, online articles, and posts by influencers who swear to be truthful. This is a walk through the reality of a very unlucky population who never thought they would have to deal with this in the age of modern science and constantly evolving technology. They don’t deserve this. If watching this film supports their cause, then it’s time to pick this one as your next documentary. Your eyes will be opened.

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Federico Furzan

Founder of Screentology. Member of the OFCS. RT Certified Critic

Dog dad.


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– Armessa Movie News


