The SnyderVerse Is Still Dead, but at Least Ben Affleck Showed Up- Armessa Movie News


via Warner Bros.

Even though nobody had even so much as hinted towards it happening, there was a growing sense of belief that yesterday’s third and final day of Zack Snyder‘s Full Circle event would end with the bombshell revelation the SnyderVerse was going to be restored, resurrected, and brought back to screens.

While not every single one of the filmmaker’s fanatical followers was operating under that impression, enough of them were that it began to sweep social media and instill and increasing sense of belief that after years of campaigning, they were finally going to get exactly what they’d been demanding. In the end, though, it didn’t happen.

zack snyder's justice league
via Warner Bros.

Instead, attendees were given a major surprise when none other than Ben Affleck stopped by for an IMAX screening of the Justice League Snyder Cut, which was just about enough to paper over the cracks made in the broken hearts of SnyderVerse backers everywhere who’d placed so much hope into the unthinkable becoming a reality.

As you’d imagine, the fact Affleck publicly denying he wanted anything to do with James Gunn’s DCU before showing up at a three-day extravaganza celebrating Snyder’s contributions to the mythology has generated even more division between both sides of the fandom, with loyalty proving to be of particular importance.

The SnyderVerse is still dead and buried, then, but at least the people got to pour one out for the abandoned corner of the superhero franchise just one more time. At least, until the next edition is announced to light the fires all over again…

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– Armessa Movie News


