Tony Stark Officially Falls Off The Wagon – Armessa Movie News


Former alcoholic Iron Man took years to quit drinking – but now Tony Stark’s addiction is back as he drinks for a horrible reason.

Warning: SPOILERS for Invincible Iron Man #1

Marvel’s Iron Man has officially ended years of sobriety as the Armored Avenger has taken up drinking again for a tragic reason. Tony Stark’s infamous struggle with alcoholism nearly destroyed his life, and he has struggled with the temptation to drink ever since the famous Demon in a Bottle storyline. But in Invincible Iron Man #1, Stark grabs the bottle again, disappointing longtime fans as well as himself.

In the 70s and 80s, Iron Man’s alcohol addiction led him to a horrific period of time in which he nearly destroyed his business, went completely bankrupt, and alienated his friends and family. Demon in a Bottle and Deliverance depicted Tony as a hopeless addict who would even sell his own jacket for a drink. Eventually Tony realized his problems were far too big for him to solve alone, so he attended rehab and became a regular at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings; he even helped Captain Marvel when she was struggling with her own addiction issues.


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But in Invincible Iron Man #1, written by Gerry Duggan with art by Juan Frigeri, Iron Man loses nearly everything in the span of a few short days – including his sobriety streak. After a freak accident destroys Tony Stark’s house (a reactor explosion with an as-yet unknown cause), he uses the last of his money to pay off the civilians hurt in the blast, fights a drone suit (which contains a sedated passenger; an unknown enemy wants to frame Tony for murder), and attends an AA meeting – but it isn’t enough. He wakes up in the men’s room of a pub, meanders through the streets, throws up while clinging to a lamppost and falls down in a pile of garbage bags.

Tony Stark Is Officially Drinking Again

Iron Man falls off the wagon

In past issues, Tony spent his entire fortune acquiring exotic weapons from Source Control, a sinister weapons dealing company. Tony kept the weapons out of terrorists’ hands, (including the famous Ten Rings) but at the cost of becoming completely broke. Without his resources, his money or even his home(s), Stark feels down and out – but it is still disquieting to see Iron Man rush back to a bar to solve his problems, especially after the years of sobriety.

While no panel distinctly depicts Stark drinking, it can confidentially be inferred; he left an AA meeting and woke up in a bar without any memory of how he arrived. The new run will mostly likely deal with the fallout of Stark’s decision. Iron Man has fought supervillains and world-conquerors before, but Tony Stark’s most dangerous enemy will always be his alcohol addiction and his own inner demons.

Next: Tony Stark’s New Hero Identity Makes Him A Better Hero Than Iron Man


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