Top 10 Strangest Addictions Featured On The Show – Armessa Movie News


My Strange Addiction aired for six seasons on TLC, from 2010-2015, and featured some of the oddest compulsive behaviors. The show featured people with unusual addictions, such as eating or drinking items that are not food, or performing unique daily rituals. Other cast members were obsessed with things, such as objects or experiences. Throughout the series, therapists have been consulted to help the people who appeared on the show. Experts wanted the show’s stars to understand their addictions and overcome them.

Many of the people who have shared their stories on My Strange Addiction have mental health issues, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and anxiety. Although not all the addictions are physically harmful, some of the ones that involve ingesting non-food items could cause serious health issues. It’s time to discuss ten of the most bizarre addictions featured on My Strange Addiction.

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10 Addicted To Body Casting

My Strange Addiction season 6 featured 27-year-old Kevin, who constantly covered his body in plaster casts, despite not being injured. He was addicted to the practice for 21 years, and spent $50,000. He said that the casts made him feel snug and comfortable, and gave him a physical high. Kevin’s obsession with casts began in grade school, when he would wrap himself in toilet paper to mimic a cast. When he actually broke his arm at age 12, he loved the attention he got from wearing a cast. Later, Kevin enjoyed it when people asked him about his fake casts in public, and even pretended to be injured. At times, he even used the casts as a way to meet women.

9 Married To A Carnival Ride

My Strange Addiction Carnival Ride

On My Strange Addiction season 6, a woman named Linda claimed to be happily married for three years to a carnival ride called the Sky Diver, which she named Bruce. The 56-year-old from Tampa said that she learned about the ride in 1981. After the Sky Diver broke down, Linda spent $90,000 to get “Bruce” up and running again. She identifies as Objectum-sexual, meaning that she loves objects. Linda shared that she had previous relationships with an airplane and a locomotive.

8 Shower Drain Hair Collector

My Strange Addiction Shower Drain Hair collector close up

My Strange Addiction season 2 told the story of Evan, a 28-year-old from Seattle, who was addicted to pulling hair out of shower drains up to three times a week. Whenever he visited someone’s house, he would go straight to the bathroom. Then, he’d pull the hair out of the shower drain. Although doing this would relieve his anxiety, he felt ashamed and disgusted afterwards. His addiction began after his father passed away, and he was in college when he first had the urge to do it.

7 Dating A Car

My Strange Addiction Dating A Car

My Strange Addiction season 3 introduced audiences to Nathaniel, a 27-year-old from Royal, Arkansas, who claimed to be in a serious relationship with his car. He said that it was love at first sight, and named the bright red car, “Chase.” Nathaniel would kiss and caress the car, and was even intimate with it. He said that his and Chase’s favorite song was “Can’t Fight This Feeling” by REO Speedwagon. Nathaniel developed his obsession when he was a teenager, when he spent time building model cars.

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6 Eating Dryer Sheets

My Strange Addiction Dryer Sheets

In My Strange Addiction season 2, 35-year-old Charmissa from Texas admitted to eating dryer sheets for four years. She consumed up to eight dryer sheets a day, which amounted to nearly 3,000 dryer sheets every year. Charmissa was addicted to chewing them because she loved the clean laundry scent and taste. Although snacking on them calmed her nerves, the chemicals in them can cause cancer. Charmissa was worried about what she had done to her body.

5 Roadkill Addict

My Strange Addiction Roadkill Addict

Scott, a 34-year-old, appeared on My Strange Addiction season 3. He said that he was hooked on removing dead creatures from the road because he loves animals. Scott would search for deceased animals seven days a week, rain or shine, especially at night. In 1999, he found his black Labrador Lexie on the side of the road, after she was hit by a car. Then, he wanted to remove dead animals from roadways so that others wouldn’t have to find their pets. He spent six hours a day searching for roadkill, and collected as many as ten animals per night. Scott gave each animal a proper burial. The addiction was consuming his life. It was also unsafe because of the possible contraction of diseases from the dead animals, and the traffic safety issues at night. Scott’s addiction made him anti-social.

4 Eating Glass & Bullets

My Strange Addiction Eating Glass

In My Strange Addiction season 1, Josh, a 27-year-old from Wooster, Ohio, was addicted to eating glass. He enjoyed the satisfying crunch as he bit into it. He found out about glass eating from a book he read. Over four years, Josh had eaten more than 100 glasses and 250 light bulbs. When he ate the glass, he cut his lips, gums, and mouth. Josh also swallowed live bullets, at times eating up to 30 in one sitting. He got a huge rush from doing that, because bullets are so dangerous. While his fiancee was very concerned about the risks to his health, Josh admitted that he was addicted to the attention he got from people when he did it. He had no plans to stop.

3 Addicted To Bee Stings

My Strange Addiction Bee Stings

During My Strange Addiction season 4, Margaret, a 53-year-old from Morningview, Kentucky, revealed that she was addicted to stinging herself with bees. Her addiction began ten years before the episode aired, when she used the stings as a way to relieve her arthritis pain. She allowed herself to be stung by the bees from the beehives in her backyard. Margaret then began stinging herself up to 15 times a day. In total, bees have stung her more than 50,000 times.

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2 Chewing Dirty Diapers

My Strange Addiction Chewing Dirty Diapers

My Strange Addiction season 5 featured Keyshia, a 22-year-old from Queens, New York, who was addicted to hoarding, sniffing, and chewing on dirty diapers. She said that the more urine there was in a diaper, the more she enjoyed it. Keyshia was pregnant with her first child during the episode, so she got her diapers from her friend’s twins. She would show up at any time during the day or night to get them. Keyshia kept the diapers around the house to snack on throughout the day. Her addiction started three years before, when one of her friends asked her to throw out a dirty diaper, but she kept it instead. Since then, she had collected over 25,000 dirty diapers, the equivalent of a lifetime supply for six babies.

1 Carrying Husband’s Urn & Eating Ashes

My Strange Addiction Husband's Ashes

On My Strange Addiction season 2, Casie, a 26-year-old from Fayetteville, Tennessee, confessed that she was addicted to carrying around her husband’s urn. She took him everywhere with her, talked to him, and slept with him. Casie and Sean were married in 2009 after dating for ten months, and had a picture-perfect marriage. However, Sean died when he suffered a severe asthma attack. Casie’s family was worried about her, but they did not know that she had taken her addiction to a new extreme. When some of the ashes spilled out on her hands, she didn’t want to wipe them away, so she licked them off of her fingers. Then, she couldn’t stop eating Sean’s ashes five to six times per day. Her family was shocked when they found out. Casie eventually sought help.

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