Top Gun: Maverick’s Shirtless Beach Scene Has Been Made Into A Sweaty, Musical 3-Hour Compilation- Armessa Movie News


While Top Gun became a massive hit in its day due to the incredible action sequence using real jets, that was far from the only thing about the movie that became iconic and memorable. The volleyball scene in the original film has lived on in infamy as much as anything else and the sequel was going to need to do its version of that. The good news for fans is that we got our new generation volleyball scene in beach football, and now it exists as a three hour repeatable sequence, because why not?

It’s like a yule log video, but instead it’s a bunch of good looking people playing football half dressed. Really who wouldn’t want that? The video on YouTube is a Christmas gift from Paramount+ who have added a new music track to the sequence and then just looped the football scene over and over again until it runs for three hours. It’s a Christmas miracle. 


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