Twilight’s Taylor Lautner On How The Rivalry Between Team Edward And Team Jacob Impacted Him And His Relationship With Robert Pattinson- Armessa Movie News


Ah, the Twilight craze. After Stephenie Meyers’ vampire series became worldwide bestsellers, it only got bigger with all the Twilight movies. And over the years, as fans followed Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan on her journey to the undead, they were split into a few sectors, the most popular being Team Edward and Team Jacob. While audiences were sparring as to whether the vampire or werewolf life was better for Bella, how did Taylor Lautner feel about the whole thing? 

Lautner is now a decade removed from starring in the Twilight saga. The actor recently got married to Taylor Dome, who is now legally Taylor Lautner as well. When the actor behind Jacob Black was recently asked if the Team Edward/Jacob aspect of the franchise ever got to him, here’s what he said on The Toast

I feel like I’d be lying if I said no. And I was so young. I was 16 when ‘Twilight’ came out, 17 for ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse.’ I finished the franchise by the time I was 19. I was so young and yeah, I do feel like it was very strange traveling the world and being in different cities and having like, thousands of screaming fans either taking your side or the other guy’s side. Like, we’re a team. We’re both just trying to make the best movies.


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