Walking Dead Confirms What Happened To 2 Characters Rick Grimes Met – Armessa Movie News


Warning: spoilers ahead for Fear The Walking Dead season 8, episode 4.The Walking Dead returns to where it all began for Rick Grimes, revealing exactly what became of two characters the post-apocalyptic hero encountered in episode 1. In a stark change of pace from squabbles with PADRE and are-they-aren’t-they zombie virus cures, Fear The Walking Dead season 8, episode 4, “King County,” returns to the titular Georgia locale where Rick Grimes’ story first began. The Morgan-centric offering provides fascinating insight into what became of The Walking Dead episode 1’s setting an entire decade after Rick found himself on the wrong end of Duane Jones’ shovel.


The most insightful aspect of Fear The Walking Dead season 8’s big throwback is confirmation of what happened to two characters from those early days: Jenny and Duane Jones. By the time Rick Grimes met Morgan’s wife, she had already been reanimated and taken to violently rattling doors, but young Duane struck up a heartwarming friendship with the former King County deputy. Neither character was ever seen again in The Walking Dead, with an unwell and confused Morgan returning alone in season 3. A decade later, Fear The Walking Dead season 8 plugs the narrative gap.

Morgan Couldn’t Kill Duane After He Turned

When Rick Grimes left Morgan in The Walking Dead season 1, Duane was still very much alive. When Rick Grimes reunited with Morgan in The Walking Dead season 3, Duane was very much dead. Nevertheless, Morgan failed to properly explain what happened to his son. Despite describing Duane dying at the jaws of his zombie mother, Lennie James’ character was undergoing a mental health decline during this period. Morgan’s memory was unreliable, his words were unclear, and his thoughts were scattered. As such, the specifics of Duane’s demise remained unconfirmed for an entire decade, and only in Fear The Walking Dead season 8 does the truth come out.

As detailed by “King County,” Morgan did indeed lose his son, and it was indeed Jenny’s zombie who did the biting. However, new revelations confirm that Morgan was, once again, unable to put down a reanimated loved one. Duane has spent the past 10 years of The Walking Dead‘s timeline chained up in an attic, mindlessly and relentlessly struggling to walk free.

Fear The Walking Dead Reveals What Happened To Morgan’s Variant Zombie Wife

A fisheye view of Morgan's undead wife staring into the home's peephole in The Walking Dead.

Back in The Walking Dead season 1, Morgan was desperately struggling with the emotional weight of putting down his zombified wife, regardless of how chompy she had become. The Walking Dead season 3’s “Clear” already revealed Morgan failed to put Jenny down, then paid dearly when she returned to bite their son. Only then could Morgan shoot her. Fear The Walking Dead season 8, episode 4 confirms that Jenny’s lifeless body remained laying on the floor exactly where Morgan left her, never buried or put to rest. Morgan’s return to King County rights that wrong, with Jenny finally given the proper send-off she was denied in The Walking Dead.

More intriguingly, Fear The Walking Dead tacitly confirms why Morgan’s zombified wife behaved so erratically in The Walking Dead‘s earlier seasons. Zombie Jenny was memorable for attempting to open doors and hanging around her husband and son – both unusual activities for the undead in Robert Kirkman’s live-action universe. The real-world reason for this is that The Walking Dead was still establishing its zombie rules in season 1, and later seasons would quietly forget these smarter zombies ever existed.

In Fear The Walking Dead season 8, however, Morgan explicitly notes how Jenny would always hang around them and ponders the reason why. By drawing attention to this forgotten detail, the spinoff all but confirms Jenny was one of the zombie variants introduced in The Walking Dead season 11 and The Walking Dead: World Beyond. This effectively explains why, out of all the zombies Duane could have been killed by, it just so happened to be his mother.

Fear TWD’s Duane Reveal Disproves The Theory He Survived

Rick Morgan and Duane in The Walking Dead

Prior to Fear The Walking Dead season 8, episode 4, Duane’s survival was a recurring The Walking Dead theory. AMC’s zombie apocalypse strongly subscribes to the notion that unless a character visibly dies onscreen, their chances of survival are high, which gave Duane an obvious comeback route. Moreover, Morgan’s uncertain recollection of Duane’s final moments afforded The Walking Dead leeway to bring the character back in a shock twist. Had Duane rocked up as a citizen of the Commonwealth in The Walking Dead season 11, his return could certainly not have been accused of jumping the undead shark.

Fear The Walking Dead obviously puts paid to that idea, with zombie Duane – no older than he was in The Walking Dead season 1 – shown onscreen for the first time. After much deliberation, Morgan puts his undead son down and buries him beside Jenny in a touching conclusion to one of The Walking Dead‘s earliest stories. Strangely, Morgan forgetting how he chained Duane in an attic is a subtle admission that theories of a return were not too far off-base. If Morgan forgot about chaining up his son, he could have easily been mistaken over Duane’s fate altogether. Alas, The Walking Dead‘s infamous chopping block strikes again.

Fear The Walking Dead continues Sunday on AMC.


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