Warner Bros. Further Endears Itself to DC Fans by Shoehorning the Flash Into a ‘Wonder Woman’ Clip- Armessa Movie News


Image via DC Studios

After a pretty tepid performance in theaters, the last thing anyone wants right now is to be reminded of The Flash; but that’s too bad as Warner Bros. is doing all it can to claw back any money it can, including a laughable attempt to insert him into a clip from Wonder Woman.

The clip, shared by the official Warner Bros. Entertainment Twitter account, shows that iconic scene from the first Wonder Woman film. You know, the one where she walks across the WW1 battlefield deflecting bullets with her arm bands, except this time there’s a literal flash in the background. The clip then rewinds and plays in slow-mo, revealing a really shoddily edited Flash that’s so bad, it could give the CW show a run for its money. Actually, considering how bad the actual film’s CGI was, you could say it’s about on par. 

Seriously, who is this bargain bin version of the Flash? Because that looks nothing like Ezra Miller’s character. Did they rip some character assets from a GTA V mod? I know most CGI artists don’t get paid enough, but did the person who made this even get paid? Can we get Andy Muschietti on the line to confirm whether the CGI was intentionally bad here as well?

Anyway, it’s unknown why they decided to randomly throw the Flash into this clip because it’s actually supposed to be an advertisement for Wonder Woman being on digital. The whole thing just reeks of desperation; the studio is practically begging for anyone to go to the theater and watch it at this point. You can almost hear them saying, “Please please please watch the new Flash movie. You liked Wonder Woman and he’s associated with her so you have to like it.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that, and fans were pretty quick to see through this thinly veiled marketing ploy and start ragging on the laughable clip.

“Man, The Flash failing at the box office must’ve really messed up Warner’s budget for CGI.”

“Did y’all seriously just bastardize this iconic Diana scene with that garbage, Not-Flash CGI…?”

“Trying to use Snyderverse movies to make up for revenue lost on The Flash is an all time low. Genuinely hilarious.”

It’s safe to say that whatever Warner Bros. was trying, it tremendously backfired. If anything, this might have even turned people off from watching the movie. The DCU is supposed to be moving forward but is still leaning on material from Snyder’s reign. It just doesn’t look good for those who are already skeptical. On top of that, it just looks corny — no offense to the person who put that clip together, but that CGI really isn’t helping matters.

About the author

Jordan Collins

Jordan Collins

Jordan is a writer at WeGotThisCovered. He’s been on the site for half a year and has been writing for a few years before that.
Jordan has a Masters in Creative Writing and he loves telling that to anyone who will listen.
Aside from that he often spends time getting lost in films, books and games. He particularly enjoys fantasy from The Legend of Zelda to The Lord of the Rings.
His main reason for writing is so he can afford to feed his pet fish called Kevin.

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– Armessa Movie News


