We Need To Talk About Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds And How Unhinged Tippi Hedren’s Character Is In It- Armessa Movie News


Alfred Hitchcock‘s The Birds is widely regarded as a cinematic masterpiece, and one of the classics when it comes to horror thrillers. Yet it’s funny that for all the acclaim the movie has received over the years, we don’t talk about the absolutely wild way it starts off. I’m talking, of course, about the absolutely unhinged beginning of the movie, which revolves around the actions of one Melanie Daniels.

Tippi Hedren gives a phenomenal performance in The Birds, but the actions of her character in the first half of the movie are questionable at best. For those who don’t have a chance to watch it with a Peacock subscription ahead of Halloween, here’s why I’m scratching my head about this truly baffling character. 

(Image credit: Universal)

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