‘Welcome to the future’: Marvel’s $2.8 billion greatest hour becoming a reality in our own time is enough to make you lose your mind- Armessa Movie News


Back in October 2015, children of the 1980s felt themselves instantly age decades like the villain from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when they realized they had reached the far-off utopian setting of Back to the Future Part II. Well, kids of the 2010s, now your time has come, probably sooner than you expected, as the coming of October 2023 means that we are now officially living in what was once the distant future of the final days of the MCU’s Infinity Saga.

A glimpse at the Marvel Cinematic Wiki page for the Battle of Earth (via Reddit), the climactic fight against Thanos’ forces that saw practically every hero ever assemble in Avengers: Endgame‘s third act, proves that the events of the MCU’s biggest moment yet takes place in… October 2023. If you’ll recall, Endgame jumped ahead five years from the events of Infinity War, which felt a long way away back in 2019. But now, here we are. As that prognosticator of prognosticators, Doctor Strange, once prophetically said, “We’re in the Endgame now.”

Image via Reddit

Hilariously, Marvel fans seem to be divided straight down the middle with how they are dealing with this revelation. Some are naturally feeling some existential dread at the never-ending passing of time — “It feels very crazy to me that we are actually here now Five Years Later,” one commented — but others are giddy over the possibilities of finding themselves living through Endgame‘s events. As one put it: “Gonna wait for someone to apear [sic] on my living room and say ”Welcome back” or Doctor Strange comes and ask me to save the universe. “

All I’m saying is, you might want to grab yourself a weapon and stand ready for a sorcerer’s portal to pop open to whisk you off to battle Thanos. I mean, if even Howard the Duck got an invite, surely the rest of us can too, right?


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– Armessa Movie News


