What Is the Mission: Impossible Franchise’s Funniest Moment? – Armessa Movie News


Editor’s Note: The following contains Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One spoilers.

When thinking of the long-running action franchise Mission: Impossible, comedic moments are not likely to cross your mind. The franchise has bouts of great comedic moments, especially when Ethan’s (Tom Cruise) sleight-of-hand magic tricks come into play. They truthfully never get old to watch, and they are done through the entire series and are especially prevalent in the new film Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One. But that is not nearly the funniest part of the film. Nor is the fun with the masks and other gadgets, however ridiculous the situation is. Dead Reckoning Part One has the franchise’s funniest sequence so far in its Rome car chase sequence.

Why Does ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part 1’s Car Chase Work?

Image via Paramount

The reason Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One‘s Rome car chase sequence works so well is because of Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell’s chemistry. Hayley Atwell is the new leading lady of the franchise, probably the most recognizable as Peggy Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Her introduction was met with a bit of controversy upon the film’s release due to its handling, but despite the rocky start, Atwell carries her time on screen spectacularly well, giving one of her best performances as the pickpocket Grace in this film. She and Cruise work perfectly as scene partners, especially as Grace is constantly trying to get away from Ethan.

The scene is set up after the both of them find themselves in a tight spot. Ethan has the smart idea to handcuff both of them together, so she can’t slip away. Something she proved she’s extremely capable of in a few scenes prior. This, of course, becomes a source of both conflict, and comedy immediately as Grace is put in the position to drive, but doesn’t want to. So when Ethan is forced to drive by her, his left hand is in the way as it’s cuffed to Grace’s right in the passenger seat.

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What Car Do Ethan & Grace Drive in ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One’?

Image via Paramount

Chased by the police, other agents, and Pom Klementieff‘s fun and ruthless Paris, Ethan and Grace find themselves having to ditch their original car during the chase sequence. Because their car is too recognizable, especially with the doors ripped off, Ethan searches for an IMF “safe car” that they can conceivably use to slip away. There is a small bait and switch, the movie teases a sleek sports car before only revealing the tiny bright yellow Fiat 500 sitting right next to it, completely hidden from view from the other car. This scene is already off to a great comedic start, then to see them climb into the small space of the car, limbs tangled. Ethan even has a small comedic and embarrassing moment as he struggles, and fails, to start the car, turning on the windshield wipers accidentally. Atwell talks about it, the rest of the sequence, and her role in a recent interview.

Immediately, the Fiat 500 proves its unpredictability, as it violently jerks and accelerates around the streets as Ethan tries to get control over it while only steering with one hand. Director Christopher McQuarrie even goes so far as to jokingly call it “possessed” in a behind-the-scenes feature for the filming of the chase sequence. It’s quite an incredible sequence to watch. It maintains the thrilling aspect it needs to but also does not pull back on the tiny car hilariously zooming around the streets of Rome. In one part, the car is forced to go down a big stone staircase. Ethan and Grace can do nothing but jolt around while this happens, and the car even flips, flinging them from their seats upside down, only to be thrust right back down in the opposite seat. Grace, now in the driver’s seat, is apprehensive about driving but is forced to as Paris is relentlessly trying to get to them. In probably the most hilarious part of the whole chase, Grace tries to drive the car away. Instead, the car starts burning rubber and spinning out of control around the courtyard. Eventually, with the help of Ethan, they can make a getaway from the chase.

This ‘Mission: Impossible’ Sequence Says It’s Okay To Be Goofy

Image via Paramount Pictures

If anything, this sequence proves that comedy has a place in these epic action films when used correctly. It serves as a welcome break from the otherwise dire film, but it does not take away from the film. The humor is situational here, not characters making a joke to the audience. The car itself becomes its own chaotic and humorous character within the film, making the hilarity of the situation easier to grasp and not feel forced. And of course, the scene is elevated by how well Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell play off one another. They are the reason this scene works, and why it got such a good reaction in theaters. See this one with a crowd.


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