Which Ghostface Killed Each Victim In Scream 6 – Armessa Movie News


Scream 6 put a new spin on the franchise, as there were not one but several Scream 6 killers, the most of any Scream film, all working together to kill each victim in their unique way. The film has a total of five killers, including two that were introduced in Scream‘s iconic opening scene. Jason Carvey and his friend Greg both wanted to finish Richie Kirsch’s movie by killing Sam and Tara Carpenter. Unfortunately, neither of them made it past the opening scene as they were both killed by a different Ghostface killer. However, the opening scene was the first time the Scream killer revealed his identity this early in a film.

At the end of Scream 6, Detective Bailey, Quinn Bailey, and Ethan Landry revealed themselves as killers. Their motive was that Richie was Detective Bailey’s son, and Quinn and Ethan were his siblings. They wanted to finish the film just like Jason and Greg did, which was why they had to kill them to prevent them from ruining their plan. They also wanted to get revenge by killing Sam and Tara for killing Richie in Scream 5. The motive was similar to Billy Loomis’ mother’s in Scream 2. With three killers, it’s easy to misunderstand who killed who in Scream 6.



Jason Carvey Kills Laura Cane

The first Ghostface killer in Scream 6 is no mystery. Ghostface kills Laura Cane after luring her out of a New York City restaurant pretending to be her date, as he stabs her to death in an alleyway. Shockingly, he then removes his mask and reveals himself as Jason Carvey before returning to his apartment. This is unlike anything the Scream franchise has done before, although it’s pretty obvious he won’t make it very far into the film, otherwise, the Scream 6 killer would have been given away too early.

Detective Bailey Kills Jason & Greg In Their Apartment

scream 6 detective bailey

When Jason returns to his apartment, he expects to find his friend Greg there. Eventually, he does find Greg, but he finds him chopped up and in his refrigerator. He’s on the phone with Ghostface when he finds Greg, and soon after, Ghostface kills Jason too. It makes the most sense that Detective Bailey was the Scream 6 Ghostface behind these murders. As a detective, he would have the most knowledge of cutting up bodies and freezing them, as that’s a signature serial killer move. At the end of the film, Detective Bailey is the one to explain to Sam and Tara why they had to kill Jason and Greg.

This may suggest he was the one to do it. Another hint is Ghostface’s iconic questionnaire he gives his victims. While this is a staple of the franchise, and every Ghostface does this in the opening scene, the way it resembles an interrogation would line up well with the detective. Also, Quinn and Ethan had alibis. Anything is possible in the Scream franchise, but it seemed that at the time of Greg and Jason’s murders, Quinn was at her apartment with a guy, and Ethan was going to a frat party with Tara and their friends.

Detective Bailey Was The Ghostface At The Bodega

Ghostface in a bodega in Scream 6.

After Jason and Greg’s Scream 6 kills air on the news, Detective Bailey wants Sam and Tara to come down to the police station. He is the one who lures them outside while Quinn and Ethan remain in their apartment. They could have left to follow Sam and Tara, though this would have looked suspicious, and Mindy and Chad Meeks-Martin, who were also in the apartment, likely would have told Sam and Tara.

The Scream 6 Ghostface at the Bodega, who kills the worker and tries to kill Sam and Tara, is very familiar with using firearms. The way he handles the gun and gets it away from the Bodega worker who tries to kill him is something only a professional could do. Also, the way this Ghostface talks to Sam on the phone before the Bodega uses similar language to Detective Bailey. Specifically, they both use the word “punish.” It makes the most sense that the detective was behind the Scream 6 deaths at the Bodega, as well as Jason and Greg’s.

Detective Bailey Kills Sam’s Therapist Dr. Christopher Stone

Scream 6 Sam's therapist Dr Christopher Stone

No one has an alibi in this scene, so it would seem it’s the hardest to pin on one of the Ghostface killers. However, there’s a lot of evidence that confirms this Detective Bailey’s Ghostface kills Christopher Stone. As the ring leader, it’s no surprise he’s the one to do most of the work. At the beginning of Scream 6, the detective is trying to frame Sam for Jason and Greg’s murders.

However, Sam tells him she can’t be the killer because she was at her therapist, Dr. Christopher Stone’s, office. She then offers to give him all of the doctor’s information, unknowingly handing Detective Bailey his next Scream 6 Ghostface victim. When he later tells FBI agent Kirby Reed about the doctor’s murder, he emphasizes the way he was killed as if he was proud of it. As a detective, he would know all the details of the murder. However, his extensive knowledge could also be a clue that he did it.

Detective Bailey Likely Kills Quinn’s Boyfriend & Anika

scream 6 ghostface killer

The apartment murders scene can either be pinned on Detective Bailey again or his son, Ethan. The murder style is a little different than the previous Scream 6 kills, in the way that Ghostface stabs and kills Anika, and it would make sense to switch up who the killer is. However, Ethan tells his friends he was missing when the murders happened because he was at econ. His friends don’t believe him, but later they confirm his alibi checks out.

It wouldn’t be hard for Ethan to fake his alibi because his father’s a detective. But if he really was at econ, Detective Bailey would have to be Ghostface again. It couldn’t have been Quinn because she was faking her own death at the time, and it would have been too risky for her to act as Ghostface.

Quinn Attempts To Kill Gale At Her Apartment


Though Gale came close to being one of the Scream 6 Ghostface victims is still alive and in the hospital, and it’s assumed she’ll make it out alive. While she wasn’t killed, the Scream 6 killer made a good attempt at eliminating Gale from the game. This was another Scream 6 attack where Ghostface is confirmed. Quinn says at the end of the film that it was her, but even if she didn’t confess, she’s the only option.

At the time Ghostface was heading to Gale’s apartment, Detective Bailey was with Sam and Tara in Central Park, trying to catch the killer. Meanwhile, Ethan was in the van with Mindy and Kirby, tracking Ghostface’s location. Another clue is Gale was able to put up a good fight against Ghostface, meaning the killer would have to be around her size and weight.

Quinn Attacks Mindy On The Subway

Ghostface in the Scream 6 teaser trailer on the subway

Mindy appears to die in the subway attack scene, but it’s later revealed that she lives too. Technically, this is not one of Ghostface’s kills, but it was an attack with an obvious answer. Quinn also admitted to being the one to attack Mindy. However, she didn’t have to, as the Scream Ghostface could only have been her. During the attack, Ethan was in the subway car with Mindy. This acted as an alibi and cleared his name, which was especially beneficial because Mindy was suspicious of him being Ghostface. The audience also sees Detective Bailey soon after, and he couldn’t have been in two places at once.

Quinn & Ethan Go After Chad & Tara

scream 6 all ghostfaces

Until the very end, it appeared as if Chad had been killed by Ghostface, and it’s still unclear how he survived such brutal stabbings. However, when he and Tara were attacked and it seemed like he’d been killed, it was likely Quinn and Ethan behind the attacks.

The first Scream 6 Ghostface to attack Tara was probably Quinn because she was able to quickly run off the subway and get to Tara and Chad, while Ethan had to stay behind and care for Mindy. Meanwhile, Detective Bailey was calling Sam to trick her into believing that Scream‘s Kirby was no longer an FBI Agent and was let go for being mentally unstable. When Ethan catches up with Quinn, he helps her brutally stab Chad.

The twist of having three Ghostface killers in Scream 6, five including Jason and Greg, was a Scream franchise game changer, as it made it even easier for them to kill with so many Ghostfaces to carry out the murders. While only a few attacks were confirmed, with close observation, it’s easy to see which Ghostface was responsible for which victim in Scream 6.

Ghostface Doesn’t Kill Any Returning Scream Characters In Scream 6

Kirby looks concerned in Scream 6

While Ghostface in Scream 6 kills a lot of characters, they’re all new characters with none of them being familiar faces. As is typical of the Scream franchise, Mindy discusses horror movie “rules” in a very self-aware and mate way, and she explains that legacy characters in movie franchises aren’t safe. However, the movie cleverly subverts expectations when none of the Scream 6 Ghostface victims are the likes of Gale Weathers or Kirby. It also might have been too much for longtime fans to handle if Scream 6 killed off any of those characters, as Dewey was killed just one year earlier in Scream 5.

At the end of Scream 6, Kirby has become the new Gale, and Chad calls Sam, Tara, Mindy, and himself the “Core Four,” hinting that they’re the new foundation of the Scream franchise, replacing Gale, Sidney, and Dewey. Given that the Scream series is more successful now than ever before, as the sixth movie made $169 million (via Box Office Mojo), it’s hardly surprising that none of the three Ghostface killers in Scream 6 target the core four. These characters will undoubtedly carry the franchise for one more movie at the absolute minimum. Not only that, but it’ll be way more impactful if any of them die in Scream 7.

Why Scream 6 Has 3 Ghostface Killers

Ghostface in Scream 6

The Scream franchise is full of misdirects, and just as the original Scream had two Ghostface killers, there are three Ghostface killers in Scream 6. While that sounds like a long-running franchise desperately trying to be bigger and stay fresh, it was pulled off perfectly, as Scream 6’s Ghostface killers are a family. Every character who wears the iconic mask is related to Richie, who was the Ghostface killer in the fifth movie but was repeatedly stabbed and then shot dead by Sam in Scream 5’s ending. The three Ghostface killers in Scream 6 were trying to exact revenge for Richie’s death.

The motivations and identities of the killers are intrinsic to Scream’s DNA, as the Ghostface killers always have close connections to the innocent characters. However, the idea of the three Ghostface killers in Scream 6 wasn’t the original plan and was something of an afterthought during the development of the sixth movie (via CBR). According to Scream 6 co-director Tony Gillett, “We were so quick on the heels of [Scream] 5 that the script was a living blueprint for a while.” The director added that the movie “felt like it was missing some emotional impact” before they had figured out that it was all going to be related to Richie.


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