Who Wins in Dracula Vs. His Familiar? – Armessa Movie News


Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers for Renfield.After almost a century in films, Renfield provides the Dracula story with a much-needed update by focusing less on the Count himself – played by Nicolas Cage – and more on Robert Montague Renfield (Nicholas Hoult), Dracula’s familiar and the doer of the vampire’s dirty work. In this reimagining, Renfield is no longer a devoted follower of the great Dracula; he is instead a man cursed to do the vampire’s bidding in exchange for power, which has led him to a life without any hope of settling down and finding people he can care about (and that care about him). Through a support group for people in codependent and toxic relationships and the help of police officer Rebecca Quincy (Awkwafina), he starts to find a new use for the power he’s been given and tries to find a way to stand up to Dracula.


So, the question is, does Renfield get his freedom? What happens to dear old Drac? And what does Renfield’s ending tell us?

Let’s Take it from the Top Before the End

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During a heated argument, Renfield uses a book given to him by the support group facilitator, entitled How to Defend Yourself from a Narcissist, to try and stand up to Dracula. Dracula sees a sticker on the back of the book that says it’s from a church, which sends him into a rage. He proceeds to kill everyone in the support group that Renfield attends, and leaves his familiar behind to meet with Ella Lobo (Shohreh Aghdashloo), a mob boss that can help him with his plans of world domination. This leaves Renfield at the scene of the crime to be taken in by Rebecca.

This is our big tipping point. From here, we see our final battle against Dracula and an army of bug-powered lackeys. Dracula has cornered Rebecca by promising to heal her sister with his blood if she joins him, and Renfield is struggling against Ella’s son, Teddy (Ben Schwartz), who now has a healthy dose of Dracula’s power running through him. However, they each manage to fend off their attackers, though Dracula escapes. Together, Rebecca and Renfield go after Dracula and finish this battle.

Is This the End for Dracula?

Nicolas Cage as Dracula in Renfield
Image via Universal

Rebecca finds the spell necessary to create a trap circle for Dracula on a Wiccan Tumblr account, which ultimately traps Dracula and allows our heroes to beat the absolute hell out of him with an array of weapons, from maces to chainsaws to holy water. Renfield and Rebecca end up dumping what’s left of Dracula’s body into a drain and filling it with cement. The duo readily admits that he may not be dead; this will at least keep him from rising again for a long while, though.

A pitcher of Dracula’s blood was gathered. We’re told fairly early on that the Count’s blood can heal any injury, and even seems to bring back the dead (we’ll get to that shortly.) With so much of that sweet, sweet lifeblood lying around, there’s always a possibility for it to fall in the wrong hands. We don’t know what happens if a large amount of the blood is consumed, either.

In addition, with Dracula currently dead, we don’t know if Renfield can still munch a few bugs and gain super strength and reflexes. If he can still use those abilities, what will Renfield use them for, and is there a chance we may see Dracula again in the future? This opens up a lot of possibilities for a sequel; however, we end with plenty of closure for our favorite familiar to not warrant one.

What About Renfield?

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Renfield gets his revenge! We get to see him beat Dracula’s face in while repeating his support group affirmations: I am enough, I have enough, I’ll be the one at full power! With this, Renfield is finally free from the vampire’s hold, and he’s able to start his life anew. He even gets his friends from the support group back with a little help from Dracula’s blood. Though, it seems support group leader Mark (Brandon Scott Jones) is a little worse for wear, talking about things he can’t unsee and can’t unknow.

In the film’s final moments, we see Renfield happy. He’s started to heal from everything he’s been through, and Rebecca is still by his side. For now, he’s no longer a slave or a familiar; he’s his own man and a hero. However, our last shot is of the pitcher full of Dracula’s blood. It brought back all the people Renfield cared about, and brought back Rebecca’s sister. It’s truly a perfect ending. The blood of the man that once made Renfield kill for him is now what’s given life to Renfield’s future without him.


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