Why 1000-Lb Sisters Fans Don’t Like Tammy’s Food Options In Rehab – Armessa Movie News


1000-lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton is losing weight at a rehab facility. However, fans wonder about her food choices at the health care facility.

1000-lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton took control of her life by going to a rehab center, but some Redditors think that the food options at the treatment facility are unhealthy. Since Tammy is learning to manage her diet and exercise routine, having healthy food choices would be a good way to instill good eating habits. It might also help Tammy to lose weight, and make it easier for her to maintain her progress after bariatric surgery. So far, she has lost a significant amount of weight, but fans hope she isn’t tempted back into any bad habits.


Tammy was often frustrated by her lack of progress, particularly when her sister Amy and brother Chris Combs were both approved for weight loss surgeries. Chris has lost a lot of weight, and Amy has tried to stay focused on her goals after two pregnancies. Without a partner to work with, 1000-lb Sisters Tammy Slaton found it hard to self-motivate. Her continued weight loss success leaves some people wondering if her health will improve, as they doubt her willpower when it comes to staying on track.

Related: Why Amy Slaton May Be The Villain Of 1000-Lb Sisters Season 4

Why 1000-lb Sisters Fans Have An Issue With Tammy Slaton’s Food

In a harsh post, Reddit user AtTheEndOfMyTrope commented on the healthiness of the facility’s food. The user questioned how, “lasagna with garlic bread or a hot dog” were good choices for someone living with food addiction. Another fan blasted centers like the one Tammy is at, alleging, “[m]oney is the only goal of those places.” Though certain fans have enjoyed Tammy’s new workout video, and are happy to see her exercising, food is still a concern. One peron suggested that a more realistic goal of the center would be to, “teach someone to eat the foods they are used to” but,”in smaller portions.”

Why Some Fans Think Tammy Slaton Can Still Be Successful

1000-Lb Sisters' Tammy Slaton on her wedding day

Though the food options may not be ideal for someone with food addiction, “the only addiction you can’t actually live without,” as per a commenter on the thread, there is still hope for Tammy. Learning to have comfort foods in moderation is different than choosing a completely restrictive diet that cuts out many foods. A Redditor in the thread suggested that Tammy, “needs to learn how much to eat” when she doesn’t have many good options. With Tammy’s many medical scares and hospital visits, she must take care of herself, so her health improves over the long term. The facility may be a good place for the reality star to practice eating, “smaller portions,” rather than being discouraged by setbacks at home.

While fans are unhappy that Tammy is faced with comfort food as she is trying to lose weight and manage her food addiction, there is hope. Not depriving her of favorite foods could actually help Tammy to learn how to eat in moderation, if she doesn’t want to go on a very restrictive diet. Balancing her food choices would allow for varied meals, and possibly more weight loss progress. With the removal of Tammy’s trach, she is free to exercise more, in addition to choosing healthier snacks and meals. When combined, exercise and portion control might give the 1000-lb Sisters star energy and ease health concerns.

More: 1000-Lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton’s Post-Surgery Body Transformation In Photos

Source: AtTheEndOfMyTrope/Reddit


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