Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow: Debut Single Of Horse Shoe Farm Owner Pete Campbell Of Ridgefield CT @ Top40-Charts.com – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Amongst many of the people in Pete Campbell’s life, the Ridgefield, CT-based musician, guitar craftsman and Maple syrup producer, is known simply as Farmer Pete. That’s because when he isn’t slinging a guitar, and writing songs, you’ll find him with his hands in the dirt of his beloved Horse Shoe Farm.

Now, while some may find the idea of a commercial farmer turned recording artist quirky and interesting in itself, what ties it all together is the man himself. Farmer Pete likes his music the he likes his produce, organically grown, all natural, and delivered straight from the heart.

Listening to his well crafted songs, the honest emotion, lyrical creativity, and memorable melodies, one gets the feeling that there is a lifelong musician behind the guitar. This actually couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality Campbell is really just getting started in music, which may be the most surprising part of the story.

“My younger brother got into music first. I always looked up to him, but I never really believed I could do it, even though I always wanted to. After Covid turned the world upside down, I decided I couldn’t wait anymore. I had things inside me that I had to get out. The seeds were planted a long time ago, but I only started writing songs last year, and it’s like my dream has finally started to grow,” says Campbell.

Seeking an outlet for his music aspirations, Campbell found his way to Norwalk, CT-recording Factory Underground Studios, which he first heard about through pals in the jam band Goose. (Goose had mixed their first album Moon Cabin at Factory Underground in 2016.) Finding a safe haven at Factory Underground, Campbell began working with producer/engineer Thomas Stewart in 2022, forming a musical relationship that was immediately fruitful – with over twenty songs written, and most nearly finished recording.

The first song of this immense body of work, “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,” has been released by Pilot Light Records, officially marking Pete Campbell’s commercial debut. The song, which is a mix of country, blues, folk and Americana, features Jeff Arevalo (percussionist of the band Goose) on bass, and his brother Matt Campbell on lap steel guitar and dobro. The track is now available on major streaming platforms, including Apple Music and Spotify. It’s the first of many songs to follow, with at least four new singles and an EP to drop before the end of 2023.

About his other passions, including guitar building and producing Maple syrup- if you haven’t guessed it, they grow a lot of Maple trees on Horse Shoe Farm. Some of the trees are tapped for Maple sugar and some become beautifully hand crafted guitar bodies, milled by Campbell right on the farm. It’s all a labor of love for Campbell, who seems to love nothing more than sharing what he grows with friends and family.

With the release of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,” Pete Campbell couldn’t be happier to finally share the songs that have been growing inside him for many years.

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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