Wolverine vs Predator Confirms the Best Way for Yautja to Beat His Healing Factor – Armessa Movie News



  • Wolverine’s healing factor, while powerful, can be effectively countered by drowning, as seen in the ongoing crossover Predator vs Wolverine.
  • The Predator and Wolverine share a weakness when it comes to water – the Predator’s cloaking device is damaged while Wolverine struggles to stay afloat due to his adamantium.
  • Although the Predator is currently unaware of Wolverine’s vulnerability to water, it is likely that it will discover this weakness and use it to defeat the mutant.

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Predator vs Wolverine #2 Wolverine is one of those characters who many fans assume is just unkillable because of his healing factor, though his recent conflict with the Predator is pushing the limits of that widely popular assumption. In fact, in the most recent issue of the ongoing crossover Predator vs Wolverine, the best way for the Yautja to beat Wolverine’s healing factor and kill the mutant for good has all but been confirmed.

Throughout Wolverine’s Marvel Comics career, he’s survived incredible situations that should have resulted in his permanent demise, but came out alive because of his healing factor. For instance, Wolverine was recently ripped in half by the Wendigo, and was completely healed the next day – and that’s just one example of the countless throughout Marvel’s history.

However, as shown when Wolverine fought and defeated his son Daken, and then confirmed in this issue of Predator vs Wolverine, there are ways to get around that healing factor. In this case: drowning. Logan killed his son by drowning him in Uncanny X-Force #34, and the Predator nearly killed Wolverine the same way in Predator vs Wolverine #2, further confirming this method’s usefulness against a Wolverine-level healing factor.

Predator vs Wolverine Reveals Drowning Is The Best Way To Kill Logan

Wolverine explains drowning is his one weakness.

In Predator vs Wolverine #2 by Benjamin Percy, Ken Lashley, Andrea Di Vito, and Hayden Sherman, readers are thrown into three separate eras of Wolverine’s life as it relates to his decades-long conflict with the Predator. One era shows the Predator infiltrating Weapon X right after Wolverine got his adamantium upgrade. Another shows a team of Predators fighting Team X on a previous mission in South America. And another – arguably the ‘prime’ era – is set in the present day, where the battle between these two warriors will assuredly reach its fateful end.

During the modern era of this conflict, Wolverine finds himself trapped on the side of a mountain after retreating from the Predator. When the alien hunter inevitably finds him, he’s blasted off the side and lands in a body of water, with rocks and rubble from the mountain raining down upon him as he’s trying to stay above the surface. Before long, Wolverine finds himself trapped under the rocks, which are pinning him under water. It’s at this point Wolverine thinks to himself, “Water’s a weakness of mine. I’m already weighed down with adamantium. Make matters worse… I’ve got an avalanche of stone pinning me flat”.

Wolverine & Predator Share The Same Weakness: Water

Predator's cloaking device malfunctioning in water.

So far, this series has shown how similar Wolverine is to the Predators, and this latest confirmation is no exception. Wolverine is more susceptible to death in water, as it’s harder for him to stay afloat given his adamantium, and his healing factor can’t do much against drowning (as Daken first revealed in Uncanny X-Force). Similarly, a Predator’s cloaking device becomes irreparably damaged in water (as revealed in 1987’s Predator and confirmed in the comic Predator: Hell and Hot Water). The Predator’s cloaking is easily its most useful gadget, as it effectively makes every other weapon immeasurably deadly. Yet in water, it’s rendered useless – just like Wolverine’s healing factor. While this may not play a major role in their ongoing conflict, it’s interesting to consider that water is a weakness to both master hunters. Unfortunately, this shared shortcoming impacts Wolverine far more than the Yautja.

Thankfully, the Predator in this crossover comic is currently unaware of how significant a weakness water is to Wolverine, as Logan only confirmed this weakness within his own internal dialogue. However, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before the Yautja learns the truth, and uses water against its ultimate prey, as it’s easily the best way for the Predator to beat Wolverine’s healing factor – and Logan confirmed it himself.

Predator vs Wolverine #2 by 20th Century Studios is available now.


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