Yoda’s History Makes It Even More Likely Grogu Will Be Part Of Rey’s Jedi Order – Armessa Movie News


When Star Wars first revealed Grogu as a Force-sensitive being like Yoda, many wondered how he’d managed to escape Kylo Ren’s massacre of Luke’s Jedi Temple in 28 ABY. This question was seemingly answered in The Book of Boba Fett, when Grogu officially decided to leave Luke in favor of rejoining Din Djarin as a Mandalorian. Nevertheless, The Mandalorian season 3 finale revealed Grogu is using the Force more than ever. With the announcement of Rey’s New Jedi Order movie taking place 15 years after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, many wonder what Grogu’s future relationship with the Jedi will look like.


There are a variety of big theories about what happens after The Rise of Skywalker, but Grogu making a reappearance in Rey’s Jedi Order is one of the strongest. As a human, Din Djarin’s lifespan is far smaller than Grogu’s, so even though the kid has chosen the path of a Mandalorian for now, there will inevitably come a time when he and Mando must part ways. However, assuming Grogu does end up joining Rey’s Jedi Order, it will be interesting to see what role he takes on. While many still see him as a Padawan learner, new evidence suggests he could be a Jedi Master or a teacher.

Yoda Began Training Padawans When He Was 100

The Star Wars: Timelines book by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell confirms the venerable Jedi Master Yoda began teaching other Jedi at the age of 100. Given how Yoda’s species ages, 100 is akin to adolescence in a human. So despite being young for his species, Yoda had plenty of time to gain experience and grow his connection to the Force. Ultimately, his career would span several centuries, and he would go on to train almost 20,000 Jedi. While it’s hard to picture the adorable Grogu grown up and teaching Jedi, it may be exactly what Lucasfilm is setting up in Rey’s movie.

Grogu Will Be In His 90s In The New Jedi Order Era

Baby Yoda Grogu Helmet with Ears Out on the Mandalorian

Grogu will be in his early 90s during Rey’s New Jedi Order. Since Yoda had already attained the rank of Jedi Master by the time he was 100, it seems likely Grogu will also be that far along in his own Jedi journey. Grogu mirrored Yoda in The Mandalorian season 3 finale by jumping around to evade Moff Gideon’s Praetorian Guards. More than ever before, Grogu has shown his proficiency with the Force. Despite spending a brief time training with Luke, Grogu’s skills already outclass many other Jedi seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.

If Grogu becomes a teacher in Rey’s Jedi Order, it has massive implications for the future of the Jedi. Grogu certainly won’t abandon his roots as a Mandalorian, or the valuable lessons Din Djarin taught him. Instead, Grogu may seek to become a Mandalorian Jedi similar to Tarre Vizsla. If this is the case, then elements of the Mandalorian religion may trickle into future generations of the Jedi through Grogu’s teaching. By the New Jedi Order era, it’s possible even Rey learns something from Grogu. In any case, it will be interesting to see how Grogu lives up to Yoda’s example in the future of Star Wars.


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