Young Sheldon Reveals How Georgie Succeeded (When He’s The Dumbest Cooper) – Armessa Movie News


Missy just revealed in Young Sheldon season 6, episode 11 how Georgie succeeded in life, even though he is arguably the dumbest Cooper kid.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Young Sheldon season 6, episode 11. A seemingly throwaway comment in Young Sheldon season 6 explains how Georgie became so successful – even though he is the dumbest Cooper sibling. George and Mary Cooper’s firstborn has been at the center of the The Big Bang Theory prequel’s storytelling. While Georgie’s arc has primarily been about his relationship with Mandy as the birth of their child nears, however, Young Sheldon season 6 also provides new information explaining his eventual success as an entrepreneur.


Unlike Mary and Missy, both of whom appeared earlier in The Big Bang Theory, Georgie’s cameo came late in the original show’s run because Georgie harbored a deep grudge against Sheldon. By then, however, he was already the successful business owner of Dr. Tire – the largest tire chain in Texas. While Georgie was always interested in entrepreneurship, his prosperity is still quite surprising, especially since Young Sheldon proves he can be somewhat slower intellectually compared to his siblings.

Related: Young Sheldon May Have Revealed The Dark Reason For Mandy’s TBBT Absence

Georgie’s Managerial Skills Explain His Big Bang Theory Success

Georgie and Missy sitting on the couch watching TV on Young Sheldon

While Mandy is on bed rest and Meemaw takes care of her, Georgie recruits the rest of the Coopers to help run their business. Missy and George argue about which establishment they are going to man but, ultimately, Georgie decides to give Missy the video shop, resulting in her saying you’re a good boss.” This may sound like a throwaway line in Young Sheldon season 6, but it encapsulates the reason Georgie later succeeds as a businessman. He may not be as smart as his siblings, but he possesses great people skills. Couple that with his business acumen, and it is no wonder that Georgie ended up building Dr. Tire.

Young Sheldon usually highlights Sheldon and Missy’s assets. As in The Big Bang Theory, the boy genius is highly intellectual, while his twin sister has street smarts. Georgie, on the other hand, tends to be portrayed as dull and dumb. He appears slow to catch on, and makes questionable decisions in uncomplicated situations. Despite his flaws, however, Georgie has time and again proven that he excels when dealing with people. This is extremely important when building a business, as it would dictate the loyalty of his employees. Given the appearance Georgie makes in The Big Bang Theory, it is safe to say that this skill served him well.

How Mandy Helps Georgie Build Mr. Tire

Mandy and Georgie in Young Sheldon season 6 episode 7

Mandy and her baby do not appear, nor are referenced, in The Big Bang Theory, which is strange considering their importance in the prequel. Their absence remains a big Young Sheldon plot hole during season 6. How Young Sheldon plans to solve this inconsistency is unknown, but Georgie’s current partner already has an impact on his future life.

As revealed in Young Sheldon, Mandy’s parents own a tire shop, which could explain how he gets the idea for Dr. Tire. Georgie has not shared many interactions with his potential in-laws yet, but that could change with the arrival of his and Mandy’s baby, resulting in a relationship between him and her parents, and the inspiration for Dr. Tire. Alternatively, Georgie’s business in The Big Bang Theory may have evolved out of the tire shop Mandy’s parents own.

Young Sheldon season 6 airs Thursdays on CBS.

More: Young Sheldon Gets A New Villain (& They Impact Big Bang Theory)


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