10 Under-Utilized MCU Characters Who Should Return in the Future – Armessa Movie News


Like its comic book counterpart, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a vast franchise, starring dozens of characters across many different movies and TV series. These range from central character like Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, to one-off villains like Malekith or Ego, to minor characters like the heroes’ friends and families. But the majority of the MCU’s characters are not original characters, and are instead directly adapted from their comic book counterparts. And while some characters’ backstories and personalities are almost identical to the comics, others are vastly different, sharing only a name or a general vibe.

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But in a rather disappointing way, some characters who have had central roles in the comics have only appeared in minor roles in the MCU so far, despite how cool or important they are. Of course, with such a vast cast of characters, it’s inevitable that not everyone will get to be in the spotlight. But with so many projects coming out that are all connected, there is still room to give these characters the grandeur they deserve, and many of them would have a good narrative reason to return. So here are 10 underutilized MCU characters who should return in the future.



Being one of the comics’ biggest recurring antagonists, it was definitely disappointing when Ultron finally showed up in the MCU, only to be just another one-off villain who dies after one movie. While Ultron’s backstory was changed significantly, being created by Tony Stark instead of Hank Pym, his goals and motivations and his relations with other characters remained surprisingly consistent with his comic counterpart. And the change to his personality was consistent with it being based on that of his creator, like in the comics.

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One of Doctor Strange’s biggest enemies in the comics, Karl Mordo was perfectly set up to be the sequel’s main antagonist in Doctor Strange‘s ending and post-credit scene. But then Multiverse of Madness rolled around, forgetting his plot entirely in favor of having Wanda Maximoff as the villain, and only showing an alternate version of Mordo who turns out to be a good guy.

While the writers said that they were “keeping him for later”, there is still nothing confirmed about the future of Earth-616’s Mordo. Still, there is seemingly no reason for him not to show up in Doctor Strange 3 when that movie happens, whether it’s as a villain or a good guy.


While the X-Men movies’ take on Quicksilver was already iconic, the character was nonetheless able to appear in the MCU thanks to licensing shenanigans between Marvel and Fox. But unlike his sister Wanda, who wasn’t present in the X-Men movies, Pietro didn’t get to become a major character in the MCU, as he was killed off unceremoniously at the end of his debut movie, Age of Ultron.

While there are no plans for Aaron Taylor-Johnson to return to the role (nor Evan Peters for that matter), there is still potential for a new version of the character to appear in the MCU’s X-Men, depending on what Marvel decides to do with them. But even if he doesn’t, at least he had a good run in Fox’s movies.


Doctor Strange’s arch-enemy, the demon tyrant Dormammu made his first appearance in the hero’s first movie as the final antagonist. While he only had a few minutes of screen time, his scene became the movie’s most famous alongside Strange’s famous line “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain.”While little is known about the character’s future, Multiverse of Madness‘s mid-credits scene strongly hinted at his return when the sorceress Clea takes Strange into his realm, the Dark Dimension.

Hopefully Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise his role as Dormammu if he ends up being the main villain, as having the hero and the villain played by the same actor could make for an interesting dynamic.


Sif is quite an interesting case, as she was never really popular in the comics, but became a fan-favorite in the MCU, despite how little she actually appears in it. Which is itself a shame, because she had a lot of potential to be a prominent strong female character. But Jaimie Alexander‘s role in Blindspot meant she wasn’t available to return in Ragnarok, and Tessa Thompson‘s Valkyrie ended up becoming Thor’s main female partner instead.

Alexander finally returned to the role in Love & Thunder, and while her role was still as minor as in the previous films, the fact that the character is still alive and the actress is back in the role means there is potential for her to have a bigger role in the future.


The MCU’s version of Ghost has almost nothing in common with her comics counterpart besides her power. Instead of the comics’ mysterious hacker and enemy of Iron Man whose identity is never revealed, the MCU’s Ghost is the daughter of Ant-Man’s enemy Egghead, and is less of a villain and more of a sympathetic antagonist.

Her fate is never revealed, and while the Blip prevented the heroes from curing her and there don’t seem to be plans for her to return, it is still possible for her to be alive. Which would be great, because there she’s an interesting character with a lot of potential, who could easily be redeemed and join the avengers in the future.

Bill Foster

First introduced to the MCU in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Hank Pym’s rival Bill Foster has a long history as Pym’s friend and associate in the comics. Foster has assumed several different super-identities, all with size-increasing powers, but while his MCU counterpart’s Goliath identity was mentioned, it was never shown on screen.

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With the character not returning in Quantumania, his future is uncertain, but since the movie is going to establish the MCU’s next overarching villain Kang, there is still room for Foster to assume his Goliath identity in futureAvengers movies. And with a prequel focused on a younger Hank Pym potentially in the works, this could also be a good opportunity for him to return.


Black Widow was a disappointing movie, and one of the main points of criticism was its portrayal of the Taskmaster. Originally a mercenary mastermind named Tony Masters, with the ability to mimic any opponent’s fighitng style thanks to his photographic memory, the MCU turned the Taskmaster into a mindless henchman without a single line of dialogue, who only exists to serve the movie’s real villain Dreykov.

But there is still hope for the character. Indeed, the last time the MCU butchered a villain like this with Iron Man 3s Mandarin, they eventually ended up introducing a more faithful version of the character in Shang-Chi. So as far as we know, it’s still possible for Tony Masters to appear in the MCU.

The Nova Corps

First introduced to the MCU in Guardians of the Galaxy, the Nova Corps are an intergalactic police force from the planet Xandar, using a source of infinite energy called the Nova Force to give them superpowers. The Nova Corps were originally introduced through the superhero Nova aka Richard Rider, a human teenager who is selected to become a member of the Corps, and uses his newfound powers to fight crime.

While Guardians of the Galaxy‘s version of the Corps is mostly a generic police force with no mention of the Nova Force, a Nova movie or series centered on Rider has been revealed to be in the works, confirming their return.

Justin Hammer

One of Iron Man’s biggest enemies, Justin Hammer is Tony Stark’s industrial rival, as well as the one responsible for the technology used by many of Iron Man’s enemies. The character made his MCU debut in Iron Man 2, before making a cameo appearance in the One-Shot All Hail the King.

Iron Man 2 is usually considered one of the worst MCU movies, but Sam Rockwell‘s performance as Hammer is one of the movie’s highlights. And since the character is still alive, there is room for him to return in a more recurring role like in the comics, perhaps in the upcoming Ironheartseries.

NEXT: MCU Villains We’d Like to See Return to the Marvel Universe


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