Big Brother 25 Week 11 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results (Spoilers) – Armessa Movie News




  • The Power of Multiplicity helps invisible HOH Jag to nominate America and Cory for eviction.
  • Cory and America were confused and upset to be nominated.
  • Jag’s decision to split up showmance duo Cory and America is a big move in the game, with Cory being the likely target for eviction.

The Big Brother 25 week 11 Power of Veto ceremony has occurred, and the Power of Multiplicity has helped the invisible Head of Household (HOH) Jag Bains to finally nominate the showmance of America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger for eviction. Nominee and veto winner Blue Kim used the Power of Veto to save herself, which was going to force Jag to name a replacement nominee. Since he won a veto as well thanks to the Power of Multiplicity, he saved his other nominee, Felicia Cannon, from the chopping block, and nominated Cory and America.

The Big Brother live feeds have revealed that Jag nominated America and Cory for eviction at the Power of Veto ceremony. After Blue won the veto, Jag revealed that he was the invisible HOH to her, and apologized for nominating her. He said he was convinced to do it by Cory and America, but ultimately took responsibility for his actions. Jag not only told Blue that he was the HOH, but that he was going to use this opportunity to nominate the showmance. Jag had told America and Cory that he was the invisible HOH when he decided to nominate Blue because he thought it would be obvious, and they’d figure it out anyway.

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America & Cory React To Being Nominated By Jag

After the Power of Veto ceremony, a confused and upset Cory and America lamented being nominated against each other, and wondered how it had happened. When Jag offered to speak to America and Cory, along with Blue, America told him to “F*** off,” which upset Jag. He told Cory that he wasn’t going to take disrespect from America, but he was willing to talk everything out as a group. Cory was open to speaking to them, but America wasn’t. Cory and America each want the other to stay, with them going so far as to say that they care about each other more than the game.

Cory and America have only been in power during the second half of the double eviction when Cory won HOH and targeted Jared Fields. However, they’ve been instrumental in flipping several of the votes this season. They’ve been inseparable as a duo since their showmance began, and it’s shocking that they’ve made it this far, especially when the houseguests have had so many opportunities to target them. Jag is making the right move by splitting them up at this point. It would make more sense to evict Cory, who has been the mastermind behind a lot of the chaos that has ensued all season.

This is one of the biggest moves in Big Brother 25 so far, and it’s really thanks to Blue winning the Power of Veto and saving herself. If that hadn’t happened, Jag would’ve left the nominations the same and stuck with his plan to evict Blue. However, both of them winning the Power of Veto this week was too perfect of an opportunity. Cory and America have now been blindsided, and one of them will definitely be headed to the Jury House, most likely Cory.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.


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