Big Brother 25 Week 9 Power Of Veto Results (Spoilers) – Armessa Movie News




  • Cameron Hardin is the current HOH and won the Power of Veto, giving him complete control over the nominations for the week.
  • Cameron is likely to leave the nominations the same and make Felicia his target.
  • By evicting Felicia, Cameron can build trust with other houseguests, and shift the target away from himself, putting him in a strong position moving forward in the game.

The Big Brother 25 week 9 Power of Veto competition has been played, and the winner is the current Head of Household (HOH), Cameron Hardin. This is his third HOH of the season. Cameron won HOH the same night that he resurrected his Big Brother game by winning the Do or Die competition, and returned to the house. His nominees are Felicia Cannon and Mecole Hayes, with Felicia as his target. Cameron doesn’t want Felicia on the jury, and this is the last eviction before the Jury of 7 begins.

After about six hours of being down, the Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Cameron won the Power of Veto. The players were Cameron, nominees Felicia and Mecole, Matt Klotz, Blue Kim, and America Lopez, with Jag Bains as the host. Cameron drew Houseguest’s Choice and chose Matt, while Mecole chose Blue. America was picked by random draw by Felicia. Felicia and Mecole have a Final 2 deal, so it was smart for Cameron to nominate Mecole. He said that she was the only person who would save Felicia if she won the Power of Veto. By nominating her, he would’ve forced her to save herself instead if she’d won.

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What Will Cameron Hardin’s Next Big Brother 25 Move Be?

Cameron holds all of the power this week as both the HOH and Power of Veto winner. Therefore, he can choose to either leave the nominations the same or save either Felicia or Mecole and name a replacement nominee. When Cameron was HOH the first time, Jag was unanimously evicted, but Matt used the Power of Invincibility to save him and bring him back to the game. During his second HOH, Cameron had a plan to backdoor Cirie Fields, which was thwarted when her son, Jared Fields, won the Power of Veto and left the nominations the same.

Cameron might choose to execute either of these two plans again, but it’s unlikely. He has created an alliance with Jag and Matt. Although he told Cirie he was actually aligning with them to infiltrate them and destroy them from the inside, he seems pretty solid with them right now. He needs them for protection moving forward when he’s ineligible to play for the HOH next week. Felicia seems to be the best choice for him to evict, especially since he doesn’t want her on the jury. Therefore, Cameron will most likely leave the nominations the same. However, he loves to shock the houseguests, so anything could happen.

Whatever Cameron decides, he’s in the perfect position this week to set up the future of his game. By evicting Felicia, he’ll keep the duos of Matt and Jag, and America and Cory happy. Cirie has expressed that she doesn’t really trust Felicia, so he could also get on her good side by evicting Felicia so that Cirie doesn’t have to. Eliminating Felicia might help shift the target away from Cameron for the time being, although he’ll always be on the houseguests’ radars because he’s such a competition beast. Whatever Cameron decides to do, he’s in a much better position moving forward in the game than he’s ever been before.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.


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