Good Omens Season 2 Gets Unique Aziraphale Tease From Neil Gaiman – Armessa Movie News


Neil Gaiman releases an excerpt of Aziraphale’s diary from a Good Omens season 2 scene, giving a unique insight into the angel’s past on Earth.

Neil Gaiman has released a unique Aziraphale tease from Good Omens season 2. Based on the 1990 novel of the same name written by Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Good Omens was adapted into a television series for Prime Video in 2019. Though it was initially intended to be a limited series, high viewership numbers and critical acclaim led to Good Omens receiving a season 2 renewal in June 2021. While there is no firm release date as of yet, season 2 is expected to be released this summer.


In a Valentine’s Day post shared to his Tumblr, Gaiman released an excerpt of Aziraphale’s on-screen diary from Good Omens season 2. Gaiman says that he was asked to write a passage in Aziraphale’s diary for a season 2 scene, but that the final shot for the scene ended up being too close to actually see most of the writing. Rather than letting the writing go to waste, however, Gaiman posted the full diary entry, as “a small Valentine’s Day gift for any of you who need cheering up.” Read the entry below:

“Madam!” I said, “I do believe that you have entirely misunderstood me!” The countess drew herself to her full height, which I believe would have been about five feet and seven inches, and stared at me, quite puzzled. “No,” she said, “I believe that it is you who are mistaken, Mr Fell. For never have I met a man of any kind who could resist my blandishments.” And then, replacing her garments (which took much longer than shedding them), she added, “I do not know what manner of a man you are, Mr Fell. I trust you will still help my brother with his little problem.” “I am still there for him,” I assured her. “He is as good as freed from his durance vile.” “You are an angel,” said the countess. And so we left the matter. This morning, her brother rejoined her, released (by me) from debtor’s gaol. She was by all accounts delighted to see him.

POSTSCRIPT: It appears that she was not a countess, he was not her brother, and they fled together for France leaving many debts behind them. I told Crowley all about the matter over a glass of claret, but he did not appear to be as surprised as I had expected.

Related: Good Omens Already Proved Season 2 Can Work Without A Sequel Book

Everything We Know About Good Omens Season 2

With Good Omens having been conceived as a limited series, season 1 closely followed the plot of Gaiman and Pratchett’s original book. However, with the season 1 finale having wrapped up the almost-apocalypse, the plot of season 2 is largely a mystery. Gaiman has revealed that he and Pratchett had intended to write a sequel to their 1990 book, and that while it never came to fruition, some of the ideas from the sequel novel will be incorporated into season 2.

Though audiences are still awaiting a trailer for Good Omens season 2, filming updates have revealed some interesting details about the upcoming season. While Michael Sheen and David Tennant are returning as Aziraphale and Crowley, other major actors have exited the series, including Benedict Cumberbatch (Lucifer) and Frances McDormand (God). Meanwhile, several season 1 actors have been confirmed to reappear in season 2, such as Maggie Service, Nina Sosyana, Quelin Sepulveda and Miranda Richardson. However, the actors will not be returning to their same Good Omens season 1 roles, but instead will be playing entirely new characters.

With only a few months left before Summer, a Good Omens trailer is inevitably due soon. Though the plot of season 2 is still under tight wraps, Gaiman has been carefully teasing hints about the show via social media, including posting some extremely unclear screencaps, to keep audiences engaged. However, Gaiman releasing an excerpt from Aziraphale’s diary is a very unique tease for the upcoming season of Good Omens, even by Gaiman’s standards.

Next: Good Omens Season 2: Why Cumberbatch & McDormand Aren’t ReturningSource: Neil Gaiman/Tumblr


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