MCU Fans Lament an Epic Team-Up That Was Promised and Never Truly Delivered- Armessa Movie News


Image via Marvel Studios

MCU fans love it when worlds collide, which is why Avengers movies, which see individual heroes team up, have been so popular throughout the MCU’s history. Endgame became the highest-grossing movie of all time for a brief period and had fans standing up and cheering in their seats when the portals opened and everyone came flooding through. However, there has been one team-up that fell a little flat since then.

Many were hyped to see what would come next when Thor left Earth along with the Guardians at the end of Endgame. We knew that we would be seeing them all together in Thor: Love and Thunder, and many were excited by what this dynamic could bring, but the end result did not live up to everyone’s standards. The team-up only lasted for around 15 minutes and rather than a collaborative effort, we saw Thor single-handedly dealing with and botching up rescue missions and conflict solutions while the Guardians collectively rolled their eyes.

That being said, what more could we have expected? We knew that Jane and Thor were going to reunite and honestly, fitting all of that in along with the Guardians was going to be a lot in an already overstuffed movie. It would seem that there was no right answer though with some wishing that there had been more of the Guardians in the movie and others thinking that what we got was just fine.

This Redditor feels we were teased an Asguardians of the Galaxy style movie and Marvel did not deliver.

Some do not think we will ever get the above vision, lamenting instead what we did get.

Though this individual believes we got exactly what was promised.

The confusion could have stemmed from Thor’s previous film, which saw the Hulk play a rather large role.

This user feels there may be a solution in other MCU avenues.

Another user feels they missed the boat on this one and that an animated movie may be the only way to fix it, though we aren’t sure about that choice either.

After the last film, some are feeling a little fatigued with the character anyway, indicating now is a good time to move on.

Let’s face it, there were many complaints lobbied at Thor: Love and Thunder for numerous reasons, we can simply add this one to the pile and chalk it up to a missed opportunity. If you really want to see some great interaction between Thor and the Guardians, you can always rewatch Avengers: Infinity War.

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– Armessa Movie News


