Our Biggest Unanswered Questions After ‘The Wheel of Time’ Season 2 – Armessa Movie News


Editor’s Note: The following contains spoilers for Season 2 finale of The Wheel of Time.

The Big Picture

  • Season 2 of The Wheel of Time sets up several storylines for the next part, including Rand’s journey as the Dragon Reborn and the uncertain paths of his friends Perrin and Mat.
  • Nynaeve faces a struggle with her inability to channel consistently and must overcome her block to protect others and herself.
  • The relationship between the Tower and the Dragon is strained, raising the question of whether they can reconcile their differences and work together, or if their rivalry will only add to their problems. Additionally, a new villain, Moghedien, enters the scene, leaving her dangerous plans unclear.

The Wheel of Time Season 2 separates its leading character to explore different parts of the fantasy world Robert Jordan created for his book series. With so many stories happening simultaneously, it’s no surprise that the season finale, “What Was Meant To Be,” was so eventful. Leaving the newly reunited heroes with their victory as a city of people cheers and recognizes Rand (Josha Stradowski) as the Dragon Reborn, it seems to be a happy ending, but the characters still have many challenges to face. With a third season already planned, The Wheel of Time set up several things for the next part of the story. From new cultures growing in importance and the series teasing another villain, it’s undeniable that the story is not over. Though Season 2 has wrapped up nicely, there are still questions that will hang about unanswered until there is a new season, which could be a while. Though some of the answers are in Jordan’s book series, the show has taken a new path and will ultimately have to answer some questions themselves.

What Will Rand Do as the Dragon Reborn? And What Role Will His Friends Have?

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Now officially declared the Dragon Reborn, Rand must continue fulfilling the various prophecies about him. His destiny is to either save or break the world, but Rand is disillusioned with this fact. However, it seems inescapable as his life unfolds as predicted. But even so, the prophecies are vague and confusing, so Rand must decide how to proceed alone, especially as the people he can trust dwindle. He isn’t without friends, Perrin (Marcus Rutherford), Mat (Dónal Finn), Egwene (Madeleine Madden), and Nyneave (Zoë Robins) left him with him, and he shared a brief moment with Egwene and Nyneave’s new friend, Elayne (Ceara Coveney), as she healed his wound. But Rand’s friends are at a crossroads themselves. With Rand’s enemies also after his friends, their journeys are unclear.

Perrin spent this season searching for the Horn of Valere and attempting to save his friends, but both these tasks are complete. Of course, he also learned about his abilities as a wolfbrother, which is causing him to change. Ishamael (Fares Fares) implied that this may result in Perrin turning to the Dark or at least becoming easier to control. Though there are certainly mysteries tied to Perrin’s abilities, he has no set task as Season 3 begins. Similarly, Mat’s Season 2 story concluded without a clear path. He spent most of his time captured and locked up, and with a growing curiosity about his past lives. In the Season 2 finale, Mat discovers that he is a Hero of the Horn, yet how this will tie into the rest of the story isn’t entirely clear. Will these two continue to help Rand or return home now they believe they are safe?

Can Nynaeve Overcome Her Block?

Nynaeve (Zoë Robins) preparing for her novice test
Image via Prime Video

Nyneave faces a particular challenge throughout Season 2. Although she can channel more of the One Power than most fully trained Aes Sedai, she has a block that prevents her from using her abilities consistently. Only able to channel when angry, Nynaeave cannot learn how most of the White Tower’s Novices and Accepted do, nor is she of great help in the battle at Falme. This is a struggle for the proud young woman, and as long as she cannot channel at will, a dangerous situation considering her connection to Rand has put a target on her back. As her journey continues, Nynaeve must discover what is preventing her from channeling and overcome it to protect others as well as herself.

Will Siuan and the White Tower Be Rand’s Allies or Enemies?

The Amyrlin Seat, Siuan Sanche (Sophie Okonedo), getting out of her carriage
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Though Moiraine (Rosamund Pike) planned for Rand to work with the Aes Sedai, that chance may be gone. A falling out between Moiraine and Siuan Sanche (Sophie Okonedo), the Amyrlin Seat and Moiraine’s love interest, begs the question: can the two groups reconcile? But the issue goes far beyond Moiraine’s spat. Siuan wanted to capture and control Rand, take his freedom, and use him as a weapon. Understandably, Rand is not in favor of this plan, preferring a brief alliance with his enemies than to remain with Siuan. After he publicly ran away from her, Siuan will not think of Rand as a friend easily. But both fight for the same side, so can they overcome their differences and work together, or will this rivalry only ass to the problems each are sure to face?

RELATED: ‘The Wheel of Time’s Worst Change From the Books Involves Moiraine

What Does It Mean That Aviendha Calls Rand the “Car’a’carn”?

Ayoola Smart as Aviendha in The Wheel of Time
Image via Amazon Studio

As Rand is proclaimed the Dragon Reborn, another name is thrown around, which may be less familiar to the audience. The Aiel maidens traveling with Perrin have little in common with those around them. Aviendha (Ayoola Smart) explains parts to Perrin, but even so, he is mystified by the Aiel. Coming from a drastically different culture, they do not share the prophecies of the Dragon Reborn, but they have a legend of another, the Car’a’carn, or chief-of-chiefs. This man is destined to lead their people. These women traveled far from their home in search of the legendary Car’a’carn, and now that they have found him, they will not be denied.

What Is Moghedien’s Plan?

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In the final minutes of Season 2, The Wheel of Time brings in a new villain. One of the thirteen Forsaken, Moghedien (Laia Costa), appears to warn Lanfear (Natasha O’Keeffe) away from Rand and his friends, claiming them as the property of her and the others. This means that Rand has elevenn loose enemies he believes to be trapped. But what does Moghedien want with them? Ishamael and Lanfear wanted to tempt Rand to the Dark, as they were friends of Lews Therin, but Moghedien doesn’t seem to share their soft spot for their reincarnated enemy. Though her intentions are unknown, Moghedien’s plans will be even more dangerous.

What’s Next for Lanfear?

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In Season 2, Lanfear focuses her energy on Rand. Disguising herself as Selene, she establishes a relationship with him and ultimately helps him in his time of need. But this is all selfish. With her fear of Moghedien, her goals seem likely to change, but such a powerful player probably won’t disappear. Though told to leave Rand and his friends alone, there is still one character that Lanfear resents and can target: Moiraine. The two met when Moiraine stabbed Lanfear and took Rand on the run. Though it was not as lethal as it should have been, Lanfear expressed mistrust and anger toward the Aes Sedai throughout the season, trying to lure Rand away from her at every opportunity. Lanfear and Moiraine’s rivalry is incomplete, whether she decides to obey Moghedien’s orders or not.


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