The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: 10 Biggest Story Reveals – Armessa Movie News


This article contains major spoilers for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5.

Over the course of The Marvelous Mrs. Maiselseason 5, many secrets have arisen, particularly about the future of the series’ beloved characters, and in episode 6, there were several revelations that were unveiled ranging from small, funny details to major plot points in the show. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel takes place in the late 1950s and follows Midge Maisel, a scorned housewife who becomes a comedian. Currently, the fifth and final season is airing every Friday on Amazon Prime.

Thus far, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5 has insinuated many big changes set to happen in the future. Namely, episode 2 revealed that Susie and Midge are no longer friends in the 1980s due to a mysterious falling out. Additionally, in episode 5, audiences see that in the future Joel is in jail. These two issues created the most questions about what is to come in Mrs. Maisel, but luckily, episode 6 provided many good answers.

10 Susie Is Connected To Major Hollywood Projects

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5, episode 6 takes place during a “testi-roastial” of Susie in 1990. During the event, there are a variety of flashbacks, including one event wherein Susie went to a golf course and closed three business deals in a day. Not only was this peek into the future (and past) a satisfying look at how Susie gained later success, but it also has many fun details that seep into the real world. For example, the scene implies that Susie was behind the making of The French Connection, a 1971 crime thriller, and Jesus Christ Superstar, the Andrew Lloyd Weber/Tim Rice musical hit.

9 Dinah Runs The New York Mob

Dinah and Susie Mrs Maisel

Another moment where significant details are dropped is when the comedians running the “testi-roastial” gather after the event to gossip about Susie’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel backstory. Although this revelation did not get the exploration it deserved, a conversation about Susie’s ties with the mob reveals that Dinah, Susie’s receptionist, later becomes the head of the New York mob. The men do not give context to this detail but suggest that she is a particularly tough woman and that the mob helped her in the past when her husband abused her. Hopefully, this revelation will get more of a spotlight in later episodes.

8 Susie Sent Tess To Indonesia

Tess Mrs Maisel

Susie’s sister Tess has appeared various times throughout The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and she certainly makes a memorable appearance in season 5, episode 6. Known for her air-headed and occasionally selfish ways, it is revealed that by 1990, Tess has made a disco single that failed in the U.S. but did quite well in Indonesia. Therefore, Susie notes that she sent Tess to live in Indonesia, presumably to get her sister out of her hair. Tess performs her song at the “testi-roastial” and Susie cuts it short, showing that their relationship never really improved, though Susie did what she could for Tess in the business.

7 Midge Almost Married Author Phillip Roth (And Joel Grey)

Midge Wedding Maisel

Though The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5, episode 6 mostly focuses on Susie, there are a couple of flashbacks that give peeks into Midge’s future life. One scene in particular shows Midge’s Hawaiian wedding that Susie paid for and Midge eventually cancels. Though Midge’s decision isn’t necessarily surprising, her husband-to-be is a hilarious detail that once again brings audiences into the real world. Apparently, Midge was set to marry American novelist Phillip Roth. Additionally, Midge’s mother reveals that Midge almost married actor Joel Grey as well. Both revelations add depth to the scenes while also creating a sense that Midge and Susie are part of the audience’s world.

6 Susie Took Over Harry Drake’s Clients

Susie Marvelous Mrs Maisel

One major flashback that comes with many intersecting stories is the death of Harry Drake and how Susie came to take over his clients. Drake was a friend of Susie’s and a formidable talent manager. The comedians at the “testi-roastial” offer their different versions of the story, including that Susie took his clients from under his nose or worked with his daughter to undermine him. The reality of the scene is much more genuine.

When Drake is on his deathbed, Susie is the only one to visit him and spends his last hours by his bedside. Before he passes, Drake tells Susie that she is the only person he trusts to take the clients he has left, and though she argues, she takes them, ultimately helping boost her fame in the business. Though the scene changes a few times, the truth of her relationship with Drake is incredibly touching and shows how Susie earned her fame not just through persistence but kindness as well.

5 Susie Got George Fired From The Gordon Ford Show

marvelous-mrs-maisel-gordon ford

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5, episode 6 delves far into the future but also acknowledges moments that occurred in the present day of the series, circa 1961. An important instance of that is when Susie realizes that George from the Gordon Ford Show is causing problems for Midge and her ally Mike. Therefore, to get what she wants, Susie rummages through George’s possessions and finds evidence that he embezzled money from the show, ultimately getting him fired.

This flashback is important because it raises questions about where the show will pick up in episode 7. Now that the audience knows that George has been fired, will The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel continues its time jumps or return to 1961 after George’s demise? Furthermore, the scene emphasizes Susie’s talent at getting what she wants for her clients and additionally, that she played an important role in various big decisions and scandals.

4 Joel Sacrificed Himself To The Mob For Midge

In The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5, episode 5, Joel begins a significant plotline in which he worries about Midge’s safety due to Susie’s ties to the mob. After giving Midge a speech about how he won’t let anyone hurt her, and the revelation that he does eventually go to jail, many questions were raised about how the situation played out. Ultimately, episode 6 revealed that in order to protect Midge, Joel sacrifices himself to Frank and Nicky.

Around the time that Joel first shows concerns for Midge’s safety, he sneaks into Susie’s office to confirm his suspicions that the mob is profiting off Midge’s success. After scolding Susie, Joel visits Frank and Nicky and asks them to take ownership of him rather than Midge. In this way, Joel asks that his clubs become part of the New York mob, so Midge can escape their control. Susie knows about Joel’s deal but neither tells Midge. All in all, Joel puts himself in the line of fire, so Midge can keep all of her profits and never be under the thumb of the mob.

3 Joel Was Arrested For Money Laundering

Joel Maisel on the phone in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Because of Joel’s connections to the mob, he eventually gets arrested for money laundering and wire fraud. Although Joel went under the radar of the police for a very long time, his crimes caught up to him, and he went to jail for several years and was released around 1990. His arrest occurred in the mid-1980s and happened during service at the synagogue. Midge watches as Joel is taken away, and later, reads the letter he gave her detailing what he did and Susie’s involvement. This makes clear any questions in episode 5 about how and why Joel came to be in prison.

2 The Mob Ruined Susie and Midge’s Friendship

Midge and Susie talking in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Ultimately, Joel’s sacrifice and arrest and Susie’s connections to the mob are the reason Midge and Susie are no longer friends in the 1980s. After Joel is taken away, Midge realizes that Susie lied to her about her mob ties and didn’t tell her about Joel’s sacrifice. Although Susie tries to defend her actions, she refuses to apologize for what she’s done and Midge remains angry about her lies. Susie says some very cruel things to Midge and the two part ways knowing they will likely not speak again for a long time.

After several episodes of anticipation, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5, episode 6 finally revealed Midge and Susie’s falling out. Unsurprisingly, the issue was already creeping in during the 1960s and didn’t truly erupt until the 80s. In this way, Susie’s misstep with Frank and Nicky and her dishonesty with Midge led to their friendship ending. The scene in the synagogue, when Midge confronts Susie, is definitely their most intense and unsettling fight and shows a side to Susie that is unsavory and hard to watch. Overall, this confrontation is the worst for Midge and Susie’s friendship.

1 Midge Is Still In Love With Joel

Midge and Joel performing in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

During the flashback to Midge’s Hawaiian wedding to Phillip Roth, the protagonist drops a major secret that doesn’t seem to faze the surroundings characters but certainly means a lot to audiences. When explaining why she can’t marry Phillip, Midge declares that she doesn’t love the author, and in fact, she thinks she’s still in love with Joel. Past episodes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel have insinuated that through various marriages, Midge has moved on from her first husband, but it seems this isn’t really the case. Midge and Joel’s relationship revelation will certainly continue into later episodes of season 5.

All in all, The Marvelous Mrs. Maiselseason 5 has offered an entirely new set of problems that go far beyond Midge and Susie and affects their careers and reputations. The current season has expanded the scale of the series and is succeeding in offering audiences satisfying answers to their burning questions. Hopefully, as the show comes to a close, viewers will appreciate how the story ends and get all the answers they desperately desire.


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