What Happened To Charity Pierce After My 600-Lb Life Season 3 – Armessa Movie News


My 600-lb Life season 3 star Charity Pierce drastically changed her life over the course of her years with the show, and it’s time for an update about her life. In Charity’s 2015 episode, she lived with her fiance, Tony, and her daughter, Charly. Charity wanted to lose weight so that she could visit her mother, who had brain cancer. When she sought help from the renowned bariatric surgeon Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, AKA “Dr. Now,” she was 39 years old, and weighed 778 pounds. Her situation was so dire that he admitted her to the hospital immediately. She had sores on her body that didn’t heal, and caused infections.

My 600-lb Life’s Dr. Younan Nowzaradan said that Charity could have died. After she was hospitalized, Dr. Now approved her for weight loss surgery. She was doing better after the procedure, but then tragedy struck, as her mother passed away. She fell back into her old habits, as eating soothed some of her pain. However, she was able to get back on track eventually. At the 12-month mark, Charity had a 57-pound mass of fluid and fat removed from her leg. At the end of her My 600-lb Life episode, she had lost 282 pounds. and weighed 496.6 pounds. There have been many updates about her life since.

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My 600-Lb Life’s Charity Pierce Had Some Setbacks After Skin Surgery

A 2016 My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode shared the second year of Charity’s weight loss journey. She continuously developed cellulitis infections, and as a result, had to be treated in the hospital. She had another skin surgery, during which Dr. Now removed 38 pounds of hanging tissue from her stomach. She had to stay in the hospital for over two months after the surgery. A few months later, the skin infection returned, and she had to have surgery to avoid developing septic shock.

My 600-lb Life’s Charity’s Daughter Joined Dr. Now’s Program

Charity Pierce Charly Pierce both wearing blue My 600-Lb Life

Charly, who also had a food addiction, was gaining weight as well. She was up to 390 pounds, but lost 14 by the end of the 2016 My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode. Charity and Charly went to a therapist together. to learn how to navigate changing their relationship from caregiver and patient to mother and child. At the end of the My 600-lb Life episode, Charity was down to 338 pounds, with a total weight loss of 440 pounds. A 2017 My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode revealed that Charly had decided to become Dr. Now’s patient, so she could qualify for bariatric surgery.

My 600-lb Life’s Charity Traveled Home To Iowa & Her Relationship Ended

Charity Pierce Tony talking and smiling My 600-lb Life

In a 2019 follow-up My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode, Charity, Tony, and Charly traveled back home to Iowa to visit their family. She was finally able to have a memorial for her mother. While they were in Iowa, Tony began a relationship with Charity’s sister, which caused Charity to become depressed. She turned to food, alcohol, and cigarettes. However, Charity was able to recover eventually, and lost 29 pounds, despite finding out that her sister was pregnant with Tony’s baby. The My 600-lb Life star lost 41 pounds, dropping to 335 pounds. Dr. Now approved Charity for another skin removal surgery, and Charly for weight loss surgery.

My 600-Lb Life’s Charity Overdosed On Painkillers After Her Skin Surgery

In her 2019 My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode, Charity had a third skin surgery, during which 15.2 pounds of excess skin was removed from her leg. She begged Dr. Now for more painkillers, but he knew that she did not really need them. Charity had snuck painkillers into the hospital, and became unresponsive and stopped breathing when she overdosed on them. Dr. Now was able to save her life, but she lost his trust.

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My 600-lb Life’s Charity and Charly Kept The Weight Off

Charly Pierce

A 2020 My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? episode revealed that Charity and Charly were estranged when Charly moved back to Iowa without her mother to break their unhealthy dynamic. Charly lost 90 pounds on her own. Charity began drinking again. She eventually moved back to Iowa as well, and she and Charly reunited. Charity stopped drinking and began Dr. Now’s program again. At the end of the My 600-lb Life episode, she was under 300 pounds.

My 600-lb Life’s Charity Battled Kidney Cancer

In a March 2020 Facebook post, Charity announced that she found out in December 2019 that she had kidney cancer. She had her kidney removed on March 2 to prevent the cancer from spreading to other organs in her body. Charity wrote that she was recovering at home. Her Facebook page indicates that she’s keeping the weight off, and spends time with Charly.

My 600-lb Life’s Charly Is Engaged & Had A Baby

Charly also was able to keep the weight off. According to her Facebook page, she got engaged in January 2022, and gave birth to a daughter in May 2022. In March 2023, Charity from the My 600-lb Life series announced that Charly is expecting another baby due in October.

More: What Happened To Robin & Nephew Garrett After My 600-Lb Life Season 7

My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

Sources: Charity Pierce/Facebook, Charly Pierce/Facebook

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