Why Does Jen Keep Sammy The Cat In Dead To Me Season 3 – Armessa Movie News


In season 3 of Dead To Me, Jen takes the cat back with her from Mexico, despite not liking it, making Sammy a symbol of Jen and Judy’s friendship.

Warning! SPOILERS for Dead To Me season 3Season 3 of Dead To Me ended with a heartbroken Jen bringing the stray cat back from Mexico with her, and there’s a reason for this decision and Jen’s choice to name it Sammy. Jen (Christina Applegate) and Judy (Linda Cardellini) spend three weeks in Mexico, as Judy’s battle comes to an end. Instead of going through grueling clinical trials, Judy wants to enjoy her life with her best friend and take the vacation they both needed. When in Mexico, in Judy’s ex-fiancée Steve Wood’s (James Marsden) villa, a cat kept visiting which Judy loved, but Jen hated it. Surprisingly, when Jen left Mexico after Judy’s death on the boat, she took the cat with her and named him Sammy.


Jen kept Sammy the cat in Dead To Me in honor of Judy, who liked keeping the cat around and looked after it throughout their vacation to Mexico. Jen reveals she has named the cat Sammy when driving home from Mexico, who pops up from the back seat just after Jen has finished her conversation with Judy who she is picturing sat beside her. Judy had told Jen a story about having a cat and wanting to name it Sammy or Patty before it escaped. Revealing that Jen had kept the cat and named it Sammy shows how Jen is honoring Judy. Not to mention that keeping Sammy the cat is a way for Jen to keep Judy with her, especially with Judy’s spiritual beliefs supporting this.

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Sammy The Cat Was Symbolic To Jen & Judy’s Friendship In Dead To Me

Christina Applegate; Linda Cardellini; Netflix; Season 3

Sammy the Cat was symbolic to Judy, also recognizable as Hawkeye’s wife in the MCU, and Jen’s friendship in Dead To Me because Sammy represented the love they had for each other, and the sacrifices they made for each other too. Jen never liked the cat, but the morning that Judy died was the first time Jen let it into the house, as she knew that is what Judy wanted. Judy wanted to die on her own terms and especially did not want to be a burden to Jen. Instead, Jen took on Sammy in honor of Judy and looked after the cat because Judy could not. Throughout the entirety of Dead To Me, Judy and Jen have alternated looking after each other and Sammy the cat represents this.

How Sammy Convinced Jen To Tell Ben The Truth In Dead To Me’s Series Finale

Christina Applegate; James Marsden; Netflix; season 3

Despite being the final season of Dead To Me, season 3 ends with Jen telling Ben Wood (James Marsden) she needs to tell him something, which is presumably that she murdered his twin brother Steve at the end of Dead To Me season 2. Before revealing what she has to say, the episode cuts to credits, ending on a cliffhanger. This confession has been tormenting Jen throughout season 3 of Dead To Me and affecting her relationship with Ben. It was something that Judy tried to encourage her to confess, as she knew the pain it was causing Jen and also knew the relief of confessing since Judy had to do the same in season 1 of Dead To Me. It was Judy’s influence and Sammy the cat that finally encouraged Jen to tell Ben the truth.

In the final scene of Dead To Me season 3, there is a bit of a time jump: Ben, who first appeared in Dead To Me season 2, and Jen have had their baby girl Joey, and Ben is happily playing in the pool with Charlie and Henry (Sam McCarthy and Luke Roessler). Jen sees Sammy the cat trying to get into Judy’s old room, Jen’s guest house, and it encourages her to finally tell Ben the truth. Sammy’s connection with Judy gives her the courage to tell Ben, as she knew Judy wanted what was best for her and Judy was often Jen’s moral compass. Although Jen was nervous, seeing Sammy the cat trying to get into Judy’s room at the end of Dead To Me was enough to convince Jen to tell Ben the truth about Steve’s murder and how Jen got away with it, with Judy in mind.

Next: Dead To Me Season 2: Why Judy Didn’t Help [SPOILER]


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