Homer Goes Off The Edge In Creepy, 3D-Animated Simpsons Video That’s Perfect For Halloween Season – Armessa Movie News



  • “Homer Loses It” is a dark and creepy fan video that explores what would happen if Homer lost Bart, creating a tragic and terrifying atmosphere.
  • The Simpsons has previously explored the idea of what the world would look like without Bart, showing the family’s realization of their love for him and his important role in their lives.
  • Homer losing Bart is a compelling concept because it taps into the tragedy of losing a child, highlighting the importance of Bart as a character in bringing light, love, and chaos to the family dynamic of The Simpsons.

A dark The Simpsons fan video features Homer Simpson finally losing it. Having grown out of The Tracey Ullman Show, The Simpsons first aired as its own animated show in 1989. It features Homer Simpson and his tight-knit suburban family, which includes Marge, Lisa, Bart, and baby Maggie. The show has enjoyed unprecedented success and has become both the longest-running animated series and the longest-running sitcom in American history.

The strength of the family bond has kept The Simpsons on air through season 36, but YouTuber Hoolopee considered what the show would look like if Homer lost one of his children. The result is a 3D-animated and exceptionally creepy video. Check it out below:

“Homer Loses It” starts with Homer crying over Bart’s grave, before driving back from the cemetery, during which Homer has serious hallucinations. After encountering Lenny, he visits the power plant in search of revenge, but eventually runs from the plant screaming. With the help of exaggerated features, the animation creates a dark and terrifying atmosphere.

What Would The Simpsons Look Like Without Bart?

The thought of losing one of the members of the Simpson family is painful, but it is something that could create the sort of atmosphere that Hoolopee imagined. After all, The Simpsons has already released an episode exploring what the world would really look like if Bart disappeared. The Simpsons season 34, episode 15 featured Marge and Homer discovering just what Springfield would look like if their son didn’t exist.

Playing on the concept of It’s a Wonderful Life, “Bartless” featured the family discovering Bart’s role in the world. The Simpsons have to wrestle with whether they truly love their son, and they quickly realize that they do. While Bart causes countless problems for them, his love for pranks helps to provide Lisa with the element of chaos that she needs to truly face a complicated world. He also provides light and love to his parents and his baby sister. The family loves Bart, and that makes “Homer Loses It” as tragic as it is.

Homer overtook Bart as the main character early in the show’s history, and that’s why the concept of the Simpson family patriarch losing his son is so compelling. The death of a child is a horrific tragedy, and it’s easy to imagine how it could push Homer into a mental crisis. The darkness of “Homer Loses It” is perfectly fitting for its tragic concept, and it shows just why Bart is so important to his family, as The Simpsons would be a much darker show without the young prankster.

Source: Hoolopee


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